Monday, May 2, 2016

NOW That's What I Call Music is Still Alive and Kicking

In 2001 a portable electronic devise for playing and storing digital audio and video files was released to the public. This devise is called the iPod. We live in a world today where CD's are barley even existent. I blog to you all today to inform you that NOW That's What I call Music is still producing CD's and are up to their 58th volume!

58 volumes! Holy shit! I remember buying the 4th and 5th volumes of this when I was 10 years old. I thought 6 of these was too much. How in the fuck are they up to 58?! They just pick 15-20 songs and throw them on a disc. People do that every day on iTunes. I'm on a website today and see NOW 58 being advertised and I couldn't begin to phantom that NOW is still putting fucking CD's out in 2016. By the way, not only porn websites have ads ok. Let's get that straight people. When was the last time you or anybody you know purchased a compact disc? New cars don't even come with CD players anymore.

NOW 58 was released on April 29th 2016. That's right 2016. You would think in todays modern society that NOW would of been killed off. You know, maybe by like NOW 15. Who in the blue hell still buys this shit? It's got to be doing good honestly. You don't make 58 if 57 sucked I would think right? I wonder when the last volume is going to be... How many volumes can they manufacture? I'm going to set a bar for them. Get to NOW 69. I will buy it because I'm a 12 year old in a 26 year olds body. Maybe we should set it for NOW 100. Get it to triple digits. The way this discography moves, NOW 69 will be out by this Halloween. Give it up for NOW That's What I Call Music!