Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Apple is Replacing the Gun Emoji with a Watergun

Political correctness has now found it's way into the emoji's on our cell phones. Apple has replaced its hand gun emoji with a water pistol due to the recent gun violence that is unfortunately continuing in this country. Let's all take a second and ask ourselves one thing... How does changing a revolver into a fucking squirt gun change or help a god damn thing?

Apple thinking this positively impacts the gun violence issues in the country is so stupid. The gun emoji is actually one of my more popular used emoji's. Anytime something happens that I don't like, I would use that emoji as a suicidal text/tweet for comedic purposes. The gun emoji was used mostly during the NBA season naturally because I am a fan of the New York Knicks. I cannot use the water soaker gun in the same context. Impossible. Oh I'm so mad let me shoot some water on me. No. This doesn't have the same effect.

The removal of the gun emoji isn't going to change any gun matter. People have been getting shot way before your fucking emoji came out Apple. This bullshit is just another result of political correctness. Apple is always making politically correct emoji's but never did they change an existing one. They made black emoji's to appease #BlackLivesMatter even though there isn't any white emoji's. I guess we all just live in Springfield...

The gun emoji change will take place in September when Apple releases 100 new emoji's which will include a rainbow flag, female athletes, and single-parent families. Christ. Hit me with the fucking Harambe emoji already!


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