Thursday, June 23, 2016

CM Punk's UFC Debut Pushed back AGAIN!

Holy shit Phil. Just give this shit up. The former WWE superstar's UFC debut has been pushed back for well over a year now and it's getting comical at this point. Does anybody give a fuck to even see Punk fight anymore? Once again, CM Punk's first UFC fight has been bumped back.

CM Punk is now scheduled to fight Mickey Gall at UFC 203 on September 10th in Cleveland. I think Punks first UFC fight was suppose to be like fucking UFC 103 but he keeps pushing his fights back. I fully expect him not to fight in September and try to get the fight to November and then come up with another lame excuse not to fight then. Punk, real name Phil Brooks, signed with UFC all the way back in 2014 and still hasn't fought a match.

Just come back to the WWE. I feel like Punk doesn't want to do UFC anymore but now has to. I feel like he wants to come back to WWE but due to the way he walked out and swore he would never return he's got to be a stubborn prick and stick to his guns. I was interested in seeing Punk fight in UFC and making that transition with no backround fighting experience but now I just couldn't give a fuck. He's pushed his fight back so much that he's not even a flashy draw anymore. Just bitch and complain and walk out of UFC like you did WWE and be the Blackhawks mascot for the rest of your life. #PipeBomb

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