Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Darth Vader Confirmed for Rogue One

It's official! The most famous villain in cinema history is returning to the big screen for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. That's right, Darth Vader has been confirmed for the first Star Wars anthology movies.

It was the biggest question regarding the movie. The film takes place at a time Darth Vader reigned evil. Today, we have been graced with the great news. Entertainment Weekly confirmed that Vader will indeed be in Rogue One and it is believed he will have a bigger role than just a basic cameo. Here is a look at the Entertainment Weekly magazine cover revealing the exciting news.

Now I'm ridiculously pumped up for this movie. I was feeling pretty negative on it after hearing about the film needing to do many reshoots but now I've got all I need. I'd imagine now that the news is out that the second trailer for Rogue One will have Darth Vader in it. Whether it's just a visual of him or if we hear his iconic breathing, Vader's reveal will be a major selling point to the movie and will get all my fellow geeks hyped the fuck up.

Having Darth Vader in the film certainly means the pressure is on. Lord Vader is a sensitive character to the Star Wars nerds out there. James Earl Jones has not been confirmed yet and they cannot go any other direction of having somebody else's voice playing the Jedi who broke bad. There's also no confirmation on who will be playing him under the suit but does anybody really give a shit about that? As happy as I am that Vader's in the movie, I will be mortified if he is butchered. We don't want another Revenge of Sith "NOOOOO" moment. I guess it can't be any worse than that. Thankfully the laughable cry of "NOOOOO" will not be our last impression of the Sith Lord. Rogue One hits theaters on December 16th. See ya at midnight.


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