Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Harriet Tubman Replacing Andrew Jackson on the Front of the $20 Bill

How has it taken this long to realize that our currency shouldn't have respectable presidents on every single bill? Where's the equality! President Andrew Jackson has been featured on the front side of the $20 bill since 1928. Since forever that currency's been created, United States presidents were featured on every dollar bill. Today in 2016, a long historic tradition is over as our politically correct world will now no longer have a president on one of our dollar bills.

Harriet Tubman will be the new face of the $20 bill. In 2020 the 7th president of the United States will take a backseat on the back of the $20 bill as we will see the African-American Union Spy's big fat non president face smack in the middle of the front of the $20 bill. Tubman would be the first woman honored on paper currency in relevant history. What's next? Ann Frank on fucking Mount Rushmore?

Oh Harriet isn't coming alone folks. The Treasury Secretary also announced that women will be added to the $5 and $10 bills too. Thankfully, Abe Lincoln and Alexander Hamilton will be keeping their respected faces on the front of the bills. On the back of the $5 and $10 bills will have some kind of representation of the 1913 Women's right to vote march along with portraits of suffrage leaders. How these presidents were even considered to be removed from the face of the $5 and $10 bills blows my mind. It must be because Lincoln freed the slaves and there's a pretty hot ticket for a hip-hop oriented Hamilton Broadway show.

Obviously the news of Harriet Tubman making it on to U.S. currency created a lot of waves across the country. It's something we never thought would happen. These bills may have changed by becoming more modern and colorful, but we never seen a new face on any of the bills. Every paper currency since you were born has had a president on it. That 'you' goes to everybody because that's how long it's been that way. The only people who may not have had presidents on their currency are currently skeletons. It took until now to decide on such a sudden and historical change.

If there was one president who was going to be removed from the dollar bills, it was obviously going to be Andy Jacks. Jackson's place in history has suffered with the attention to his record of him relocating Native Americans and supporting slavery. Mind you his term was from 1829-1837. The world is an extremely different place in 2016 then it was in fucking 1830. So hold back your lugies at his grave. No need for the delicate and tactful people to spit on and shame president Jackson, the U.S. Treasury did that for you.

The "People's President" who founded the Democratic party and supported individual liberty and fought in the Revolutionary War at the age of 13 got kicked off the front of the $20 bill for someone who ran from slavery. I get it, believe me, I'm sympathetic to slavery. It was a totally different world back then. Tubman is a heroic figure, I 100% agree. She stood up for women's suffrage and was the "conductor" of the Underground Railroad. She's still not a president.

Interesting enough, Ben Carson spoke today about the $20 bill situation. Carson thinks Tubman should be on the $2 bill instead. Mr. Carson said, "I think Andrew Jackson was a tremendous president. Andrew Jackson was the last president who actually balanced the federal budget where we had no national debt. So in honor of that, we kick him off the money?" A great point by the former Republican candidate.

I think this move is indeed all about race. I think todays world is extremely sensitive. Everything has to be equal. It's a true honor to be a face of U.S. currency. It's truly disrespectful that a president is going to be replaced on the a dollar bill. It's not disrespectful because of who the replacement is. It's disrespectful because there shouldn't be a replacement. This is the world we live in and unfortunately nothing is going to change it. Regardless, it's out of my hands, and that is one ugly fucking mug we are going to be looking at on the $20 bill. Haters gonna hate.

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