Friday, April 8, 2016

STAR WARS: Rogue One Trailer Dropped

Rogue One - Star Wars Fans "filler" as we eagerly await the 2017 release of episode 8 in the Space Opera film, dropped their first trailer yesterday. I became a reborn Star Wars fan after the episode 7 "New Hope" remix kicked the box office's ass last December and have been anticipating Rogue One's trailer for a while with one question looming.... Will the film feature the legendary DARTH VADER???!!!

I'll return to Lord Vader shortly. First let me give you a brief review of the trailer. Rogue One is about the Rebels stealing the plans for the Death Star. In the very first original Star Wars, which can be addressed as episode 4 (despite being 22 years technologically outdated from the prequels episodes 1-3) will show that Princess Leia obtained the Death Stars plans and handed it off to the ever-so-loving droid R2D2. So the movie takes place in-between episode 3 and 4. In this film, we will see how the Rebel fighters retrieve the plans that eventually end up in Leai's hands to destroy the Death Star. Yes, I know.... We all know the outcome of the movie and we all don't give a fuck. We're still lining up for the midnight showing.

Actress Felicity Jones is the main character in this film. She appears to have quite the track record of a criminal background against the Galactic Empire that the Rebellion seems to be pissed about yet find her as the perfect culprit to lead a mission to obtain the Death Star plans. Basically she's like Leonardo DiCaprio as Billy Costigan in The Departed. The Death Star is the most lethal force of destruction in the galaxy. It fucking blows planets up! The Rebellion does not want the Dark Side with that power so it is imperative that they figure out how to destroy the Death Star.

Jone's character "Erso" accepts the mission and then we get taken into the teams preparation and a full out brawl with Storm Troopers with Forest Whitaker preaching like an African-American pastor. Ohhh Happyyyy Dayyyyys! So while Forest is dramatically over-the-top preaching, we get 2 second cuts of the film with an annoying alarm noise that sounds like Elmo is getting stabbed. There was one cut that caught my eye......


For the love of fucking god! I NEED to know if Darth Vader is in this god damn film. He's obviously present during this film. We've all heard his weak and demoralizing weep of NOOOOOO in Revenge of the Sith and we cannot have that be our last recollection of the most iconic villain in the history of cinema. I watched this trailer waiting to hear the infamous Vader breathing. This looks like it could be him but the head looks more like a hood than a helmet which leaves me in doubt. James Earl Jones is not on IMDB. I'm assuming there's no Vader if there's no Earl Jones but they may not have his name up because they want to make this a surprise. This trailer left a Vader appearance unanswered and it rips me up inside. Even if he has a 2 second cameo in this movie, any role Darth Vader has would make this movie epic. I don't like the idea of waiting for the next trailer for a potential Vader revealing.

At first I was against these "Star Wars Story" spinoffs. I figured they were just an extremely simple source of millions of dollars. Even though the trailer didn't even excite me that much, I'm pumped for Rogue One. I'm glad there's some kind of Star Wars before the big Episode 8 film drops in 2017. My Darth Vader obsession is still undetermined but I'm excited to see how this prequel plays out.

Yea that can't be our last memory of my boy. What the fuck were they thinking putting that in the film? How do you bring back the series most famous character for the first time since 1983 and have him cry such a laughable NOOOOO

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