Friday, April 15, 2016

Phil Jackson gets Cocky with the Media

The New York Knicks President of basketball operations had some snide ass remarks to the media at his press conference of his season ending interview. I find it rather peculiar that Phil is so laid back like it's cool that the Knicks missed another post season under the "superstar" Carmelo Anthony era. In an interview filled with Knicks fans speculating what the future of the team holds, Phil Jackson addressed every question like a cocky asshole and didn't answer a single fucking question.

"So it's been about two months since I've seen you guys." Phil Jackson sneeringly and unenthusiastically told the media. "We're disappointed about our season. That'l eliminate a couple of questions you probably have to ask me." Could anyone not want to be at a press conference anymore than the legendary "Zen Master." Phil then boringly stated, "We didn't have a group that really bonded together. I thought they came apart during the end of the season. We have to make changes. There's no doubt about that."

...... I cannot be any more infuriated by Phil's press conference. There's plenty more to it, but I'm just going to touch up on a few quotes and express my frustration. I have never seen a more conceited interview than the one Phil Jackson conducted yesterday. Yo Phil, it's not fucking cool that you were a winner in the 90's and mid 2000's. Let me tell you something.... You are in charge of the New York motherfucking Knicks! The Knicks! Put yourself in a Knicks fans shoes. We are fucking desperate! Stop playing everything so fucking cool because you have a successful basketball background when the Knicks are in absolute dire need of anything to be happy about. Phil you coached Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Dennis Rodman, Shaquille O'Neal, and Kobe Bryant. You ain't the guru of shit bitch your just Phil fucking Jackson blessed with talent.

This is living fucking proof that the Knicks are fucked. Phil's made the media seem like he should never be questioned despite winning 49 games in the two years he's been Knicks president. Who is going to coach the Knicks next year Phil? Jackson with very little patience responded arrogantly, " A lot of your speculations that people have thrown out have very little bearing on what we're doing. "So if you want to save either paper space or speculation, limit your speculations. It'll help out a lot." Hmm how dare the media ask about the Knicks coaching situation. That's not a big deal. Phil Jackson won NBA titles so he doesn't need to address that to anybody.

Things got better when his cherished triangle offense was questioned. When asked if the team is still implementing the triangle offense, a very grumpy and irritated Phil Jackson replied by saying, " That's what I was brought here to do, build a system. That's all part of the package of what we're doing." Personally, I didn't even know the triangle offense existed. I guess Carmelo passing a little more means the Knicks run the triangle. A reporter accurately criticized Phil's beloved system and Phil responded with the brashest, cocky, self-confident, and wise ass remark saying, "Who are these people? Why would people even say that? Do they have 11 championships to show you and then they talk about that?"

What a fucking arrogant asshole. The fact that you have those 11 championships is exactly why your being asked these questions you big ego piece of shit. Your self proclaimed "superstar" can not make the playoffs. This team needs help. Phil Jackson has never had to answer questions of this kind of failure in his career and he reacts like nobody should question him despite two nightmare seasons. Oh cool, you were right about Porzingis. You gave us a glim of hope. Clearly it's not enough. Unless Phil Jackson wheels in a major free agent like Kevin Durant this team is neverrrrrrr.... everrrrrrrr. eeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhverrrrrrr (Chris Jericho voice) going to win a championship aGain. Just understand Knick fans, Phil had previous success so everything is all good.

Knicks fans wanted to know what Phil Jackson plans to do with the team for next year. Aaron Afflalo and Derrick Williams have contract options. We will not know the Knicks cap space until they decide on whether or not they are coming back or not. There is no 1st round pick of course. The #2 seed Toronto Raptors will be enjoying that. Phil Jackson was a cocky fuck during his interview with the media and didn't answer any reasonable question to give us any hope for next season or future for the matter. The New York Knickerbockers are the worst franchise and nothing can change that. We. Are. Doomed.

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