Wednesday, March 30, 2016

D'Angelo Russell Violates a Major Bro-Code


There's rookie mistakes and then there's career suicide. A video surfaced of a conversation between 2 players on the Los Angeles Lakers where an admitted affair is now documented on the internet. Lakers rookie guard D'Angelo Russell taped this and violated the most important thing needed in a teammate and that is trust.

Nick Young was talking to Russell in a private conversation about his cheating ways and that he cheated on rapper Iggy Azalea (who he's engaged with) with a 19 year old chick. Word is Russell and Nick Young have been joking around and pranking each other and then Russell recorded Young without him knowing and put the video of his admitted affair on snapchat. This snap eventually got to Deadspin or TMZ or whatever kind of company that thrives off celebrities misfortunes. Bottom line, the video is out and everyone has heard it. Including Iggy Azalea. D'Angelo Russell completely fucked with the "unwritten bro-code" teammates in sports have.

We the fans, or ordinary underprivileged lower-to-middle classman, are not suppose to know about incidents like this. This is casual locker room talk. This is a teammate talking to a teammate and it was suppose to stay between the teammates. I don't know what beef or jealousy D'Angelo has with Nick Young, but he fucked up his image big time. Not just with the Lakers but with the NBA. You can't record your teammate who trusts you behind your their back and spread the video around. Hell, if I did this to some of my friends from drinking on the couch I could ruin their lives and they could ruin mine with the shit we say. That's the point though. We don't violate trust. We don't violate the bro-code. We know we won't blackmail each other for no apparent reason.

You flat out don't do that shit. Apparently the video was released Monday night. This completely explains the Lakers 48 point loss Monday night. Imagine having this information before the game? I would of sold everything and bet on Utah. The team is down right pissed off with Russell. Why shouldn't they be? Russell has now been isolated from teammates from sitting at the same lunch table or even sitting on the same bench with a teammate. Things are going so bad between the Lakers and their rookie guard that Russell needed security escort when leaving the Lakers practice facility.

I love how Kobe Bryant just isn't speaking out on this shit. He's only got 8 games left in his career and isn't going to let Russells snitching get in the way of him shooting 22% the next couple of games. I still think he goes off for 40 in his last game at the Staples Center. He's been waiting for that game all season long. Imagine if a teammate pulled this shit while Kobe was in his prime. Kobe would flat out ruin that guys life on and off the court. Maybe not, Kobe would of done this to Shaq if snapchat was around back then. He kind of already did it to Shaq. Either way that's the Black Mamba and this a mediocre rookie.

I hope Nick Young or "Swaggy P" as he retartedly proclaimed himself. Easily the dumbest nickname in sports. I hope Young shoots a video of him butt fucking D'Angelo's mother and puts it out on the web. Russell more than likely fucked up his marriage I'd imagine, so what is there to lose? Bend his mother over and talk massive amount of dirty shit. Then you and Russell can call it even and go back to playing 44 games under .500 basketball.

You have to question what this means for D'Angelo Russell's future. The Lakers original blueprint for the future was to dump their whole team and build it around the 20 year old rookie. What would this say about the Lakers if they bring Russell back? What does this say about a team that would bring him in? Will players across the league even want to be in the same locker room as this dude? D'Angelo Russell put his team and himself in a terrible position but he deserves every bit of it. This is a tough spot to be in for a 20 year old kid but he put this all on himself. They say "time heals all" but nobody will forget what D'Angelo Russell did to a teammate.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Batman V Superman Sucked

If you haven't seen Batman V Superman yet, don't. As expected, Batman V Superman was going to make a lot of money and it was going to suck. Despite having a pretty bad feeling about it just from the previews, it was still a movie I had to see. I made a mistake. Don't see it just to see it. This is a long and poor film. This blog is my review of the blockBUSTer.

Warning this blog will contain spoilers so if you haven't seen the film and intend on seeing it (which i advise not to) then click away. Here is The Shark Review:

The movie opens with Bruce Wayne dreaming about his parents getting shot in front of him as a child. He falls into a hole where bats appear to attack him but instead swarm around him lifting him out of the cave. After the first of many Bruce Wayne dreams we are taken right into chaos as the city is getting destroyed left and right by weird ass space ships. Bruce Wayne looks up and sees Superman fly thru a building. Little did Superman know that the building he destroyed belonged to billionaire Bruce Wayne. Ohhh Bruce is fucking pissed now. This makes Bruce Wayne hate Superman. You have to understand that it's only cool for Batman to destroy private property.

Bruce Wayne has another dream about his dead parents where we see blood pouring out of his mothers tomb. Suddenly some demon looking creature breaks through the stoned tomb and jumps at Bruce. After thinking the theater accidently cut a preview of The Conjuring 2 into BVS, we see Bruce wake up and learn that he isn't alone in hating Superman and that the government isn't fond of the easily recognizable super human. Lex Luthor comes into the picture for the first time. Luthor is a very successful and wealthy scientist with a multi-million dollar company called LexCorp. We all know he doesn't like Superman because he's the famous villain from those boring ass series but it's never explained in this movie what his beef with Superman is. If anything he owes Superman a huge thank you for destroying so many buildings in Metropolis. Luthor had mentioned he has construction projects from Superman's demolition.

Lex Luthor tries setting up Superman at a Congress Superman meeting where he blows the building up with the Senator inside. Nobody seemed to care too much for the passing of Senator Finch. Luthor then becomes obsessed with the idea of having Batman and Superman fight because Batman stole his Kryptonite that Lex somehow gained possession of from the bottom of the fucking Indian River. Luthor then jumps into some raw sewage toilet water to create a monster called Doomsday. Why did Lex want Batman and Superman to fight when he was just going to create Doomsday? I don't know.

Now get this.... Batman has another dream! This dream takes Batman into some Baghdad looking setting where Batman kills multiple people with his fists and with some kind of semi-automatic gun. Batman eventually gets taken down where these people wait for Superman to drop in. Superman arrives, rips off Batman's mask and then punches a hole in Batmans chest . Batman wakes up in horror but sees some random guy screaming at him while getting electrocuted. This man appears to be The Flash. The audience becomes confused when he talks about something that has nothing to do with the movie until he eventually says Louis Lane's name to make it seem like his cameo was relevant.

Bruce Wayne gets invited to Lex Luthors party and attends because he wants to steal something from Luthor that will allow him to access his computer files. Bruce Wayne meets Clark Kent where he gets offended by Kent's criticism to the Bat vigilante. After that, Bruce successfully gets some successful chip transfer to access the Luthor files, and then gets his car stolen by a lady who will eventually become known as Wonder Woman. Bruce Wayne opens up Luthor's files and we see director Snyder's cute way of advertising other movies with their respective super hero logos. Bruce Wayne then learns that the bitch who stole his car fought in like World War 1 and she hasn't aged a minute so he knows something is up with this chick.

We go back to Superman who is depressed after the Congress explosion made people have negative reactions to him. He flies off to some Alaska looking snow-covered place where he dreams seeing his dad picking up and throwing bricks in the middle of no where. Kevin Costner tells us some extremely boring story and if I could of cut any part out from the movie it would be Superman's vision of his dead father. Easy money for Costner though.

Finally we come to the point where Batman and Superman actually sqaure off. Lex Luthor kidnapped Superman's mommy and the only way she will survive is if Superman kills Batman. The two alpha males go at it and Batman finally gets Superman down after shooting him with a bazooka filled with Kryptonie. Batman then has a spear of Kryptonite that he is ready to slam through the heart of Superman until Superman mutters in pain "Maaaaaaartha." Batman becomes enraged. "Why did you say that name?" yells the Bat. In comes Louis Lane who can get a chopper and pilot at will from The Daily Planet who covers over Superman and tells Batman that Martha is his mothers name. Batman realizes that his mom and Superman's mom have the same name and now he no longer hates the guy who he's been plotting to kill all movie long. THAT'S HOW THE FUCK THEY NO LONGER HATE EACH OTHER!!!!!! If this movie had any credibility before that battle, it lost everything right there and then. If only Roger Clemens and Mike Piazza's mothers had the same last name. Fucking terrible.

Now the 2 Super hero's put everything past them and realize Lex Luthor is behind some evil shit. Superman shows up to Luther without a dead Batman and Lex unleashes his monster Doomsday onto the city. Lex Luthor created a monster that he has no control over instead of just shooting Superman with a rocket of Kryptonite. Doomsday starts fucking the city up and everybody is trying to figure out how to kill this monster. Superman flies Doomsday out to fucking Pluto and they both land on the earth ok. Batman is about to be smoked by some kind of laser from Doomsday's eyes until Wonder Woman appeared blocking it with her 12 inch shield. Anyone who clapped for this part in the theater I hope gets Aids quick. We all knew it was coming from the preview.

The Justice League is now formed as 3 super heros are now taking on Doomsday and they came to the conclusion that the only way to kill this thing is to hit it with Kryptonite. Batman shoots Doomsday with a small shot of Kryptonite but it wasn't enough. Louis Lane tried to retrieve the spear of Krytponite that Batman tried to murder Superman with. The spear is set deep in the bottom of some warehouse puddle that became a river. The Building breaks from the 4 people fighting and Louis Lane becomes trapped under the water with the spear until Superman rescues her of course.

Now that the spear has been retrieved. Superman sacrifices himself by flying into Doomsday with his one and only weakness, the Kryptonite. All he had to do was have Batman or Wonder Woman do it, but instead he did it himself. We then get taken to Luthor's mop top getting shaved and then we see Bruce Wayne and Wonder Woman at Superman's funeral. Batman says he failed Superman who hated for 2 hours and 15 minutes of the film and liked for the other 15 minutes. The movie cuts back to Lex Luther repeating the sounds of a bell over and over again and then we see dirt that Louis Lane dropped on Superman's grave rise into the air and the long and dreadful movie comes to an end.

I give this movie a 4 out of 10. That's a generous 4. The bad reviews are right. If you saw this movie, let me know your thoughts. If you don't think this movie sucked. You are wrong.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Top 5 Friday: Best Rappers of All-Time

Top 5 Friday returns as the Shark breaks down the top 5 rappers of all-time.

#5 Nas

Such a lyricist. Such a story teller. Nas is one of the greatest rappers of all-time and doesn't get enough credit. You could certainly argue that the Illmatic is one of, if not the best rap album ever. In fact the album is so legendary that they made a god damn movie about it. Nas brings a style of rap that todays rap certainly does not have. Come back and bring us back to the streets of Queensbridge. Love this mans music.

Favorite Song: One Mic

#4 Fabolous
Mixtape master. The king of punchlines and metaphors. Fabolous is impossible to hate and never seems to land on peoples list of top rappers. There's no way he wasn't landing in my top 5. Ghetto Fabolous and Loso's Way were killer albums. Fabo is very clever and crafty with his lyrics and has put out fire songs for over a decade. Whether its a pump up song, a diss track, or a love song, Fab delivers. I'm always hooked when I hear Fabolous on the track,.

Favorite Song: Breathe

#3 Notorious B.I.G.
Who Shot Ya? Can you imagine if the rap game never lost Biggie Smalls? It's a shame we only got to have 2 albums from the Notorious B.I.G. before he was murdered. There's a certain flair to Biggie that just grabs your ear. His voice is heavy and powerful and his lyrics are influential. There's nothing like smoking a blunt and vibing out to Biggie. (Not that I'd know anything about that). I can't name a single B.I.G. song that I don't like. His hit Juicy is the most famous rap song of all-time. The East Coast vs West Coast shit was the hottest thing around before it went too far. Christopher Wallace left a monumental legacy during his short time here in the world. Try not to bop your head when the beginning of Hypnotized plays. I dare ya.

Favorite Song: Notorious Thugs

#2 Little Wayne


#2 Tupac
Tupac Shakur was like the politician of rap music. He told many stories and was the voice of the voiceless. Tupac was controversial and never shied away from anything. Controversy sells. He went to the grave as the best lyricist in rap at the time. His epic song writing created music about his own life and his society of the world. He was on top of the rap game and was the hottest rapper of the West Coast. Tupac just had this philosophy to him that no other rapper had. Shakur was an undeniable genius. I personally like Biggie's songs better but Tupacs a better lyricist. Pac was a masterful poet. Eminem once referred to Tupac as "the greatest songwriter of all time." That praise cannot be ignored.

Favorite Song: Changes

#1 Eminem
In this corner: weighing 175 pounds, with a record or 17 rapes, 400 assaults, and 4 murders, the undisputed, most diabolical villain in the world: SLIM SHADY! If you know me, you already knew #1 before you clicked the article. Hands down the greatest. The highest selling rapper of all-time. There is nothing Eminem cant do on a track. Give him a beat and he will destroy it with his slick and masterful word play. Fuck a beat. He'll go acapella. He's not your typical rapper who raps about money and bitches. He has the most creative mind the MUSIC industry has ever seen. Nobody can rhyme multiple syllables like Shady can. Eminem is a lyrical genius whose lyrics hit hard to his audience. He's never afraid to express his feelings and say what he wants to say and nobody, and I mean nobody would dare diss him without regretting it. His amazing creativity and controversial lyrics set fire on the rap game. Marshall Mathers is hands down the greatest rapper ever and will never be surpassed.

Favorite Song: Fuck this is hard. Got to go with Lose Yourself. It won an Oscar for fucks sake.

It was extremely difficult to leave 2 Chainz off of this list. He fits right in with the company listed above. Totally kidding. I'd like to throw out honorable mentions to Jadakiss and Jay-Z. Those are my Top 5 Best Rappers. Who are yours?

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Best MLB Player of All-Time Announces his Retirement... in Two Years


Major news hit Major League Basbeball today as Alex Rodriguez announced he will retire in 2017. In case you thought A-Rod was going to play baseball after his final 2 year deal with the Yankees ends, that will not be the case. Fuck Big Pappi's farewell tour, there's a farewell tour that requires 2 years and it's for the GOAT, Alexander Emmanuel Rodriguez.

This really isn't news considering A-Rod is 40 years old now and will be 42 when his contract expires. We all expected this. Everybody knew he was going to retire when his contract with the Yankees ends and he hits 42 years of age. However, in tyical A-Rod fashion he let us all know he was going to retire 2 years ahead of time making it official in a way only A-Rod would do it. The humble 3 time MVP said in his interview with ESPN, "I won't play after next year. I've really enjoyed my time. For me, it is time for me to go home and be dad." A-Rod has been the worlds greatest baseball player since he was 19. Now, it's time for him to take fatherhood to the next level.

Rodriguez will enter the 2016 season with an astounding 687 career home runs, 3,070 hits and 2,055 RBIs. He is 28 home runs away from passing Babe Ruth for third on the all time home run list. He needs 69 homeruns to pass Hank Aaron, and needs 76 to surpass Barry Bonds to hit more home runs than any player in MLB history. This guys numbers are fucking absurd! I think there's no doubt that if Rodriguez didn't receive an immensely undeserving year long suspension he'd finish with more home runs than anybody who ever played the game. He still can, but it's not a lock like it would have been.

Rodriguez has worked very hard on rehabiliating his image. He did that best by having a kick ass return season following his suspension by putting up 33 home runs and scoring 83 runs with 86 RBIs. He also received great praise for his work with the Fox Sports Network as an analyst during the World Series. Alex always steals the show. Perhaps we will see the 3 time MVP as a future analyst or hell, maybe even own his own franchise (that would be so beast). He's even dating some mildy average looking billionaire who has kids of her own. Rodriguez has moved passed the Cameron Diaz's, Madonnas, and Kate Hudsons and has his mind set on the Yankees World Series aspiriations, his individual records (probably more than anything else), and his beautiful daughters.

Even when that final day comes which will require a 2 year toll on the fans and everybody around Major Leauge Baseball, we will always know about what's gong on in A-Rod's life due to his high profile and his Instagram which is a must-follow. Great players get a final year long farewell tour. The BEST player gets a two year farewell tour. Let's celebrate the GOAT and enjoy his remaining 2 years before he sets off in the sunset. We have been so fortunate and blessed to have witnessed a baseball player like Alexander Emmanuel Rodriguez. Finish strong! Pleeeeeeease never delete your Instagram!

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

LeBron James Un-follows the Cavaliers Official Twitter Account

Sick Specs yo

Here we go. The Decision Part 3. LeBron James gives us yet another reason to hate him. On Monday night, Lebron James posted his 41st career triple-double in a blowout win against the lowly Nuggets. That wasn't the news that hit the Cleveland tabloids that night. The news that the media, the fans, teammates, coach's, and the owner are concerned about is that their star player no longer follows the team he plays for on Twitter. When the 4 time NBA MVP was asked about the un-following he responded by saying "Next question."

Next Question? That's it. Sick answer. I guess you are too high and mighty to answer the question. I do not care the slightest bit that LeBron un-followed the Cavs Twitter. It probably means jack shit, but what's the point of doing it? Why couldn't he come up with any kind of stupid excuse as to why he did it. Better yet, why even do that? Obviously people are going to realize this and make it a big deal. Did you not expect this to be brought up to you LeBron?

I don't think LeBron should have any reason to be angry with the Cavaliers. His team is 30 games over 500 and they reached the NBA Finals in his first season with the team. When LeBron's pissed about something, he get's his way. He got his fucking coach fired from the best team in the Eastern Conference because he didn't like him. That's something he'll never admit but nobody is buying that crap. The Cavaliers will not do anything without consulting their star first. So why behave like a high schooler by un-following the Twitter of the team you play for without an explanation? You are LeBron James. You have to answer these questions no matter how silly and ridiculous you find them. You put this on yourself fuck head.

Maybe this wouldn't be a big deal if the "loyal" Ohio native didn't already turn his back on the city to team up with better players on another team in another city. LeBron James can become a free agent after this season. He left the Cavs to cowardly win championships with the strong help of mega stars like Dwayne Wade, Chris Bosh, and Ray Allen. He came back to Cleveland for acceptance. He needed to be loved again. He got his NBA titles and wanted to be liked again in his home state. They drafted Kyrie Irving during his departure so he had somebody he could play with again and were able to sign another star with James to a max deal. LeBron always looks out for LeBron. When you left the team before and you can leave them again, your going to raise eyebrows when you unfollow your teams Twitter no matter how dumb it may seem.

It wasn't reported directly from LeBron, but according to Joe Vardon of, James unfollowed a bunch of accounts and most of them are NBA and basketball related so he can bock out distractions as he prepares for the playoffs. Does reading a few fucking characters on a social media page really take your mind off of your job that much? This guy fucking sucks. I will never question his physical preperation but unfollowing people and your own team on Twitter is just flat out not making you any better than Steph Curry you ass. If that's even the case, just say that to the reporters who are asking you a ludicrous but fair question. They're just doing their jobs.

It is reasonable to ask LeBron James why he would unfollow the Cavaliers Twitter page when he can become a free agent due to his past history. All your doing is scaring the fuck out of the Cleveland fans that they might have to burn your jersey AGAIN. It's pretty simple LeBron, if you don't want to be asked clown social media questions, unfollow everyone and get off of Twitter. Your too sensitive to do that though. LeBron James keeps giving me more reasons to not like him. You can definetly come to the Knicks though. I'll just pretend that you didn't do anything to bother me since 2010. As much as I hate your delicate persona, I know you're way too smart to play with Carmelo in New York. It looks like it's just a 6th straight year of "I'm rooting against LeBron" for me this NBA post season.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Breaking Down the NCAA East and Midwest Regions

East Region

I'd rather have the #2 seed than the #1 seed in the East Region. North Carolina's potential matchups with stud point guards Kriss Dunn from Providence and Tyler Ulis from Kentucky isn't fair for the ACC Champions. If the top 4 teams make it to the sweet 16, we will be in store for two awesome games. Here's how I have the East region unfolding.

Sweet 16:

#1 North Carolina vs #4 Kentucky

#2 Xavier vs #11 Michigan

Alright so I like everybody else have the UNC and Kentucky matchup. I fully expect #9 Providence to beat #8 USC. As much respect as I have for Ed Cooley's Friars, they are way too undersized for the Tar Heels. Stonybrook is better than people give them credit for. I wanted to potentially have them as a first round upset but lets face it, John Calipari is not going to lose to Seawolves from Brookhaven Suffolk County. That kid Warney is a stud. He's a top priced daily fantasy player tomorrow. He will put on a show and who knows maybe we will see him in the NBA one day. He's exciting to watch but he can't bring down the mighty Wild Cats. I think Tennessee Chattanooga is an easy cover against Indiana but I don't know if I have the balls to put them over Indiana. The hoosiers killed it at home but they should still be able to advance to the next round where I think Kentucky smokes them.

On to the big UNC/UK matchup everybody is talking about. This is probably the most popular sweet 16 matchup in the publics brackets. Marcus Paige is in for a tough task taking on Kriss Dunn and then Tyler Ulis in the Sweet 16. I think outside of Ulis the Wildcats don't have enough to stop a very deep North Carolina team. Kentucky is full of freshman (as always) and North Carolina has a bunch of seniors. I think the seniors will prevail. If the Tar Heels can contain Tyler Ulis they shouldn't have a problem with anybody else on Kentucky. North Carolina is just too big and too deep.

It was easy for me to advance the X-Men to the Sweet 16. Wisconsin is one of those popular second round upset teams but I'm not even that confident that they'll get passed Pittsburgh. Which ever team shows up, Xavier will beat them. The Musketeers run a 1-3-1 zone which is very effective. They are one of the best defensive teams in the tournament. The only question is who will step up for them on the offensive end? West Virginia is a team that did their damage on their own home court. I'll be watching tonight's Michigan/Tulsa play-in game closely. Michigan should fuck up Tulsa tonight and then I got them beating Notre Dame. I would even put them over West Virginia to get into the Sweet 16. I'm not very high on West Virginia and out of all the #14 vs #3 matchups I think Stephen F Austin has the best shot pulling off the upset. Michigan feels disrespected and they should. Sure they lost 12 games this year but they deserved a guaranteed spot in the tournament over a handful of teams. The Wolverines already have that sense of March in them from their victory over Indiana in the Big 10 Conference tournament. If Michigan gets passed Notre Dame they will be coming in hot for Huggy Bear's Mountaineers and I'm not afraid to advance them.

It's very risky picking a play-in team to go to the Sweet 16 but you got to take some risks if your going to win this thing. It's all about making sure your deep teams are accurately predicted. The fun Michigan banwagon derails with an Xavier matchup for me. Xavier had a great year. They fucked with everybody in the Big East. Their loss to Seton Hall was ridiculed and hurt them at that time in the season but looking back at it, it's not a bad loss what so ever anymore. Xavier will be able to bang with any team they have to face until the Elite 8.

Elite 8:

#1 North Carolina vs #2 Xavier

I had some fun advancing Michigan in this region but overall, it's chalk. Here we are with a 1 vs 2 seed in the Elite 8. Xavier is an interesting matchup for the Tar Heels because of their zone. North Carolina will be fine if they can get the ball inside and hit 3's. The 3 ball isn't the strongest part of North Carolina's game but when they're hitting it, they are unstoppable. As good as Xaviers defense is, I don't think they can put up the points North Carolina can put up. This will be the X-men's biggest challenge and I don't believe they will prevail. Roy Williams' Tar Heels will be heading to Houston.

East Region Winner: #1 North Carolina

Midwest Region

You wanna get nuts? Let's get nuts! Holy shit do I love the seeds inbetween the #1 and #2 in this region. This bracket may see my most red crossouts but I'm sticking to my guns. Here's what I got going on in the Midwest region.

Sweet 16:

#1 Virginia vs #5 Purdue

#2 Michigan State vs #6 Seton Hall

Virginia is one of the more boring teams in the NCAA. Their defense is great and they pretty much use the whoooooooole entire 30 seconds on offense before they shoot. They kill the clock from the tip-off. Virginia will have no problem with their #16 seed and whoever wins Butler vs Texas Tech. Purdue gets a lot of love because they are flat out huge. The Boilmakers have two 7 footers. The Purdue vs Iowa St matchup is a tough game to choose from. I'm still extremely bitter with Iowa State butt-fucking me on the first day of last years tournament when I had them in my Final 4. That will not be the case this year. Purdue's perimeter players need to step up and their bigs need to hit their free throws. The Cyclones are an athletic team but I'm giving the knod to Purdue.

The Virginia vs Purdue matchup will be a snoozer. Unless you love low scoring games. Virginia is a team that when their not hitting their 3's do not produce any offense at all. Purdue will always have their bigs to rely on and go to. Any team that can get a lead on Virginia and take them out of their long offensive positions has a great shot in taking down the Cavaliers. I don't think Purdue will be able to get a big lead on Virginia. In fact, I don't think either team would have a bigger lead than 6 in this game. I do think Purdue will take down the #1 seed and advance to the Elite 8.

Seton Hall is a team that I rode in the Big East tournament. Now I'm going to live or die with them. I love Isiah Whitehead. The kid is fearless and can straight up fucking ball. I'm pretty thunderstruck that Seton Hall are 1 point underdogs to Gonzaga tomorrow night. That spread has had me second-guessing myself on a hundred-thousand-trillion. I'm on the Pirates. If their ship sinks, so does mine. I will be placing a hefty wager on their potential trap game with the Zags. I got Utah over Fresno State and I have the least amount of respect for the Pac-12 so I will be taking Seton Hall over Utah to advance to the Sweet 16. Michigan State is a shoe-in for the Sweet 16. Tom Izzo is not losing to Middle Tennessee or the winner of Dayton and Syracuse.

This brings us to #2 Michigan State vs #6 Seton Hall. I can't stress how hard it is for me to not pick Michigan State in this game but I'm not jumping ship! Here weeee goooooo Pirates! Isiah Whitehead can fuck with Denzel Valentine. I know they won't be guarding each other but Whitehead can outperform the Big 10 player of the year. Michigan State is a top 3 point shooting team. I really don't have to many good reason to pick Seton Hall over Michigan State besides that they are riding big momentum after surprisingly winning the Big East tournament. I'm just riding the Cinderella train. If I didn't pick Seton Hall and they advanced this far I'd be one miserable puppy. If this was #2 Oregon I would be a million times more confident. Bad job there. I wish Seton Hall was in either region on the left side of the bracket. Either way, If I'm wrong, I bet you it's not by much. Seton Hall will at least cover that spread. Fuck that. Their winning. Money Line that bitch. Holy second guessing....

Elite 8:

#5 Purdue vs #6 Seton Hall

One again the same story with Purdue. They outsize the oppostion. They will be tough to stop inside but Seton Hall will be tough to guard on the perimeter. The Pirates will need their 3 ball. Hammons is going to be a force inside so Whitehead needs to be take over the game and that is something he is certainly capable of. I'm sending the Big East Conference champions to Houston. This will be a remarkable journey for Seton Hall and I think this confident bunch can pull off their difficult road in the Midwest region.

Midwest Regional Champion: #6 Seton Hall

The Midwest is like the bracket of mis-seeded teams. I think 90% of the whole entire world will have Michigan State going to the Final 4. It's hard to argue other wise but I just have this attatchment to Seton Hall. If MSU goes down, I will have an ultimate chance to capitalize on my oppositions brackets. As for the East, there are some awesome potential matchups from the second round on. Check back here tomorrow morning as I will reveal my national champion. We are just hours away from the Madness baby!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Breaking Down the NCAA South and West Regions

The Madness begins this Thursday! This is one of the most enjoyable times of the year. My brackets all set and I already bit all my finger nails off. Here's what The Shark thinks about the left side of the tournament.

South Region

The South region appeals to me the least. I don't think too many crazy March moments are going to go down. The only team I think that can take Kansas down is Maryland. Every other team in this region I really don't care for at all. I'd be surprised if there's a worthwhile bracket buster in the South.

Sweet 16:

#1 Kansas vs #5 Maryland

#2 Villanova vs #3 Miami

Yea I know it's chalk. Sometimes chalk happens. Maryland was a team I wanted to consider in the Elite 8 but I can't put them past Kansas. I think that game will be a good one, but Kansas will prevail. Maryland got screwed in my book. I want to see California vs Maryland because I will drop a major bet on the Terps to take them down. I think the Terrapins are better team than both Villanova and Miami and would of benefited greatly if they were in the bottom part of this region instead of getting stuck with that potential Kanas matchup in the Sweet 16.

Villanova and Miami got drawn easy roads to set up their matchup with each other. I'd be very surprised to see either falter before the Sweet 16. These were teams I really wanted to give the pre-Sweet 16 knockout to but they got set up too nicely so now I reluctantly have to put one of them over the other. A lot of people seem to like the potential Iowa/Temple upset over Villanova but I'm not buying into either of those teams. Iowa finished the year like shit and Temple got owned by Uconn after a 4 overtime game in the American Conference tournament. So in the Miami/Nova matchup that I couldn't be less fond of, I'll go with Jay Wright's squad. They feel like the deserve a #1 seed (preposterous), and Miami's bigs are way too inconsistent for me to invest in them becoming one of the final 8 teams.

Elite 8:

#1 Kansas vs #2 Villanova

Bill Self's team usually finds a way to choke in these tournaments of late. This team has all the tools to win the championship this year. Perry Ellis is about 30 years older than everybody in school and Frank Mason III and Wayne Seldon Jr. are athletic play makers. Kansas was the #1 ranked team in the nation and outside of Maryland, have the easiest road to the National Championship including whoever their West region opponent will be.

South Region Winner: #1 Kansas

West Region

This is one of my least favorite brackets. If you haven't heard or read my take on Oregon being a #1 seed and Duke being a #4, all I can say is that it completely infuriates me. In my opinion, a team I don't like is going to come out of this region and I blame the committee for that. This is where my bracket has big surprises. I believe this part of the bracket is filled with average teams. Anybody can take it. This region should be a wild one.

Sweet 16:

#1 Oregon vs #4 Duke

#2 Oklahoma vs #6 Texas

If Michigan State was the #1 in this region (which they completely deserved!), they would be blessed with an easy cake walk to the Final 4. If Duke and Oregon can't get to the Sweet 16 it would baffle my mind, but I'd love it despite it butchering my bracket big time. I fully expect to see both these team meet in the Sweet 16. Now as for this cringe worthy matchup... I don't think Oregon all that great. I also think Duke blows. There must be a winner though unfortunately. I'm going with the Blue Devils. Better coach with a gritty team that can hit some clutch shots. Grayson Allen is the Division 1 Tool Bag of the Year award winner but he can lead Duke past these overrated Ducks.

Oklahoma was a team I thought I'd knock off in the Sweet 16. I think they got put in a good place. The Sooners rely on the 3 ball, and when their not hitting them, it turns defences into the game plan of "don't let Buddy Heild beat us". I'm a little butt-hurt that Texas A&M nonsensically got a #3 seed over Kentucky and put into the mediocre West region. I still can't seem to understand how losing the SEC championship to Kentucky gave the Aggies the higher seed. I never will. I think A&M could get stunned by Green Bay. They should get their moneys worth at least. If not, I like point guard Isiah Taylor and the Longhorns to take down A&M.

As for the Oklahoma vs Texas matchup. These two rivals met two times this year. Texas lost to Oklahoma in Norman but completely pulled away in the final 5 minutes in the 2nd half when Oklahoma came into town for a 76-63 lead. Texas showed they can hang with the top seeded Sooners. Texas did most of their big-win damage on their home court. The Long Horns finished with a 14-3 home record. That will not be the case in the tournament games. I'm not a big enough believer in the Sooners to invest highly into them going deep in the tournament. I love Isiah Taylor and even though they indeed have the hardest journey to get to the final 4, I think they can do it.

Elite 8:

#4 Duke vs #6 Texas

You probably haven't seen too many people with these teams in their Elite 8. It's risky but I can really see it happen. This region will ultimately make or break my bracket besides correctly or incorrectly having the national champion right. Duke vs Texas did not meet this year. Texas played some ACC teams and did pick up a quality victory over the North Carolina Tar Heels. Both these teams would come off huge victories over #1 and #2 seeds and potentially #5 and #3 seeds. I think if Duke got to this point, there's no looking back. Texas will be out-coached. Both teams are undersized and it will come to a battle of Grayson Allen and Isiah Taylor. I think Texas is a better team but Duke would of had to catch fire to get to this point. I'm going with Duke and their momentum to make a trip to Houston. The committee blessed Coach K with a great seed and great spot, and the Blue Devils are going to take advantage of it.

West Regional Winner: #4 Duke

There it is. Two complete opposites. Conservative and ballsy. It was hard setting my mind on the West region but I'm going for it. Check in tomorrow for my breakdown of the right side of the tournament before unveiling my final 4 results before the madness begins!

Monday, March 14, 2016

The NCAA Bracket Selections are Questionable

 I'm very displeased by the selection committee's NCAA bracket this year. Plenty of raised eye brows and questions across every region. Naturally, everybody has a different view on things, but I've never questioned the committee's decision as much as I have this year. It was a crap-shoot of a year so the decisions were tougher than ever, but certain things don't make any sense considering the way the conference tournaments played out. Let's weigh in on what is wrong with the 2016 NCAA tournament.

The Michigan vs Tulsa #11 Seed Play-In Game

First and foremost, I'm completely on board for the new technical "first round" of the tournament being 2 play-in games. However, I am not on board for a play-in game resulting in the winning team snagging a seed as high as the 11th. Bubble teams should not have a play-in game for that high of a seed. Michigan got no love at all even after their victory over Indiana in the Big 10. Why is Syracuse an automatic 10 and Michigan is a play-in 11? Oh and how can we forget their opponent... Tulsa. Tulsa? EW! Monmouth and San Diego State got fucked over big time. Nobody seems to be able to wrap their heads around the fact that the committee selected Tulsa to be a potential #11 seed. Neither can I. Our last impression of them was their blowout loss to Memphis in their conference tournament matchup. Michigan should absolutely handle Tulsa and I hope so because I'll take them over Notre Dame. Once on the bubble and now with a chance to jump all the way to 11. Go Wolverines! Please don't let a hideous team like Tulsa into the big dance.

Oregon Getting the #1 Seed over Michigan State

Oregon dominated the Pac-12 tournament. The Ducks completely shit all over Utah in the Pac-12 final and that more than likely made the selection committee cum in their pants enough to rank Oregon a 1 seed over Michigan State. The Pac-12 and Big 10 conferences are far from apples and oranges. The Pac-12 SUCKS! Oregon is the most overrated 1 seed I can recall of in my opinion. To boot, Oregon probably has the easiest road to the Elite 8 out of all the 1 seeds. Kansas, North Carolina, and Virginia all deserved their 1 seeds. The Spartans finished the regular season the #2 ranked team overall and won their conference tournament and they get appointed a #2 seed? You've got to be fucking kidding me. Oregon should not have gotten been granted the 1 seed over Michigan State.

The SEC Championship Meant Jack Shit

John Calipari goes in on the Selection Committee

Both Kentucky and Texas A&M finished 26-8 with a 13-5 conference record. Both Kentucky and Texas A&M played in the SEC Conference tournament championship. Kentucky beat Texas A&M and became the SEC Conference champions. Kentucky's hard fought overtime winner gave the SEC champions a 4 seed and the runner-up A&M Aggies were rewarded a 3 seed. Somebody please explain to me how the fuck this makes sense?

Duke Once Again gets the Benefit of the Doubt

Lets face it. This wasn't Dukes year. Double digit losses, back to back home losses against shitty ACC teams, and an early exit to Notre Dame in the ACC tournament. The Blue Devils 23-10 record and 11-7 conference record was still good enough to land Coach K's team in as a god damn 4 seed. Duke is typically either in the Final 4 or bounced before the sweet 16. I think Duke can take down Baylor and Oregon pending no upset. It wouldn't surprise me at all. In fact I 100% expect it. This was the first Duke team in a long time that really deserved no respect. I'm going either first round knock out to NC Wilmington or an Elite 8 appearance for Duke. No in between.

#2 Seeds with Easier Potential Future Matchups than #1

Villanova, Oklahoma, and Xavier all have easier roads to the Elite 8 than North Carolina and Virginia. Nova should cruise past everyone. I know the #7 Iowa upset looks flashy but Iowa really finished the season like shit. Miami gets a lot more love than they deserve. They are both mediocre teams. Oklahoma is team that relies on heavily on the 3 ball. That was something I wanted to hold against them in the tourney but they should be able to beat either potential Texas team in the Sweet 16. The potential Xavier/WVU matchup is definitely a juicy one. I know a lot of people are on the Wisconsin cock but I think the X-Men are too big for the Badgers. It wouldn't phase me if Wisconsin gets bounced by Pittsbugh either. Back to that XU/WVU matchup... West Virginia did their domination at home and Huggy Bears Mountaineers will not have that advantage. I'd rather go through West Virginia than Kentucky. Providence is a scarier second round matchup than Wisconsin as well. The Tar Heels got a tough ass road for a 1 seed. We'll more than likely see that flashy UNC/UK matchup of two major conference champions in the sweet 16. Both teams got a really bad luck of the draw there. Virginia has it rough too. Not only having to have to potentially go through Michigan State yet again, they have a potential Purdue/Iowa St matchup to worry about.

Maryland Deserved a Higher Seed than 5

Seeing California and Duke with higher seeds than Maryland doesn't sit well with me. Iowa State as a 4? I'm on the fence with that. Maryland is more qualified than Cal and Duke. And out of the fellow #5 seeds they should have been paired up with any #1 seeds region EXCEPT Kansas. Why the Pac-12 got more love than the Big 10 doesn't make any sense to me. The committee didn't separate anyone out of the Big 10. Maryland, Indiana, and Purdue were all selected as 5 seeds. If your going to put Maryland as a 5 at least put them in Oregon's region. Hell, the committee probably thought they were doing the Terrapins a favor by not putting them with their Oregon love crush.

Oregon State in the Tournament

More love for the Pac-12 from the committee. There aren't many big wins from Pac-12 teams that aren't wins amongst themselves. The Pac-12 beat up on the bad competition. Especially the piss poor competition from the bottom 5 teams of their conference. Oregon State had 12 losses and went 9-9 in their conference. Putting Oregon State at a #7 seed is saying they are better than so many lower ranked teams like Providence for example, and that is very disrespectful to the more deserving schools. USC barely even belongs in the tournament. Both teams just given pretty solid seeds. Oregon State should of been the play-in game over Tulsa. Bottom line, Oregon State got in because of Gay Payton Jr. The committee knows that the name Gary Payton in the tournament is a good thing for college basketball.

So that's my beef with the selections made for 2016 NCAA tournament. I'll be giving my predictions and analysis as the week goes on for the Big Dance. Whether the selection committee fucked things up more than usual or not, it was a crazy year and nothing will take the excitement out of this tournament. We are fastly but slowly approaching one of the most fun weekends in sports. Also one of my richest or brokest weeks of my life.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Top 5 Friday: Best Nintendo 64 Games



Of all the countless numbers of gaming systems our generation has had, Nintendo 64 is still my most favorite. I'm still playing it to this day. This weeks Top 5 Friday I will be counting down my top 5 favorite Nintendo 64 games.

#5 Mario Party

Countless numbers of fun mini games. Mario Party is such an enjoyable game that will never get old. This game is such a success I think they are up to Mario Party 55 on their newest Nintendo console. Although you will end up sacrificing your palm with blisters, your always in for a good time with this game. Bowser is an absolute bully in this game. That ugly motherfucker. Play nice for me one time. One little pet peeve I have with this game... Why does Toad ask if you want a star? Who would ever say no? I just had to paddle a fucking canoe against 3 people to get to you. I busted my ass to get to you after all these map changes now give me my fucking star.

Confession: I haven't stopped digging a penis in the digging mini game since I was 10.
#4 Super Mario 64 / The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time / Donkey Kong 64

3 way tie. The best 1 player games Nintendo 64 has to offer. It's tough putting one ahead of the other. Nothing is more rewarding than the accomplishment of completing these games. Jumping threw paintings, collecting the 8 red coins, and throwing Bowser on spikes during a hard fought journey to collect 120 stars while battling awful camera views. The game ultimately ends with you meeting Yoshi who was just chilling alone on Peach's Castle all game instead of helping out. Yoshi tells you that you beat the game, gives you 100 lives that you no longer need, and just jumps off the god damn Castle to never be seen again.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of time is one of Nintendo's best 1 player games. There's so much shit that has to be done in this game. This game is probably my favorite video game soundtrack. Catchy ass tunes. Link's long adventure through so many bosses and Temples and even puberty will give you all the entertainment you need. It is so refreshing getting through Ganondorf's castle to disturb him playing his piano and save Zelda. By the way, move the fuck over Billy Joel. The Great King of Evil is the true Piano Man. Oh and FUCK THE WATER TEMPLE!

Donkey Kong 64 is such a fun ride. King K Rool barges the fuck in on his 500 foot high Alligator ship (I see he didn't have to go under any bridges) and kidnaps all Donkey Kongs friends and confiscates all his golden bananas intending on blowing up DK's island. This croc flat out hate's those monkeys. Donkey Kong now has to get his friends and bananas back and save his island. The graphics were great for the time and all the bosses and tasks were so well put together that this game was flat out awesome. The end battle in the boxing ring vs King K Rool is one of the most fun boss battles any game has to offer. If anybody tells you they played this game and didn't rock out to the DK rap and still know every word are not telling you the truth.

#3 Super Smash Brothers

Superrrrrrrr Smaaaaaaaaaaaashhhhhhh Brotherrrrrrrrrrrrrs. One of Nintendo's highest selling games. Nintendo took recognizable characters from all different kinds of games and put them at battle. Every character has their own unique move sets that you must strategically utilize to defeat your prolific Nintendo opponents. I always wanted to see Mario vs. Luigi and Pikachu get smacked with a beam sword by Fox. As fun as it is playing with friends, the games 1 player mode if awesome. Master Hand ain't got shit on me. Anybody remember the commercial for this game? One of my favorites. Easily hooked me right into pleading and whining for my Mom to bring me to Toys R Us and get this game. I haven't looked back since. The newest Smash Bros game for Wii U is one of my favorite games... dare I say.... ever?

#2 GoldenEye 007

Classic. The Bond music gets me feeling some kind of way. This game paved the way for all shooting games including that gay Call of Duty shit that these gamers obsess over today. It was fun and simple. At the time, the graphics were great. The single player mode has a great story behind it and playing in the first-person really puts you in control of James Bond. Playing as the Pierce Brosnan Bond and just straight up ruthlessly murdering people. Cool levels, cool characters, and cool weapons. The Golden Gun is legendary and I guess the only realistic gun in the game. 1 shot and your dead. Usually how it goes. Not 25 shots to the head, taking a deep breath, and healing 100% without visiting the hospital. Just back to killing. One of the most fun games back in the day and it still holds up to this day.

#1 Mario Kart 64

Welcome to Mario Kart! The undisputed champion of all video games. Who would of thought putting fictional characters on a go-kart would be one of the greatest ideas in video game history? This games an absolute blast. If Mario Kart 64 wasn't part of your childhood, you were deprived. Find me anybody in the world who doesn't like this game. From strategically using the lightning in Wario Stadium, getting plunked by oil trucks on Toads Turnpike, trying to hit the short-cut jump on Koopa Troopa Beach, or falling into the lava on the bone bridge at Bowsers Castle, this game is the GOAT of not only N64, but the history of all video games. All Hail the Kart!

PS: I'm Yoshi. Always. Fuck off.

There you have it. My top 5 Nintendo 64 games. Those were the days yo. There's so many awesome games the N64 produced so I'm going to leave you with a few honorable mentions. Agree? Disagree? What's your 5 favorite N64 games?

Honorable Mentions:

  • Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (it was really hard keeping this off)
  • Star Fox 64
  • Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball
  • All Star Baseball 2000
  • NBA Jam
  • Pokemon Stadium
  • WCW Revenge
  • WWF No Mercy
  • WWF WrestleMania 2000
  • Diddy Kong Racing
  • Perfect Dark
  • Yoshi's Story
  • Mario Tennis
  • Mario Golf

Yea I guess by some honorable mentions I meant a lot.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

New York Giants Make it Rain with Major Free Agent Signings

We are baaaaaaack! We are baaaaaaack! We are getting Doug back! Sorry, we got our defense back. As we all know, the Giants had a whole lot of cap money this offseason and they opened their wallets during the first day of free agency.

One day before the league year began, the Giants took back defensive end Jason Pierre-Paul . JPP signed for a 1 year deal. Then today struck and the Giants went buck wild. This morning the G-Men signed the best cornerback available, Janoris Jenkins. For lunch, Big Blue made a deal with former Jets defensive tackle Damon Harrison. Then... Oh and then..... The Giants came to an agreement with the biggest prize on the free agent market for their main course. OLIVIER VERNON! Shit did they go in today! Blowing money real fast. Hats off to Jerry Reese. If you're going to play and pay big in free agency, getting young players in their prime is the best thing to do. That is what the New York Giants did on the first day of free agency. Today is a great day Giant fans. Let's take a closer look to these signings.

Jason Pierre-Paul

The Giants and their 2010 15th overall draft pick came to a 1 year deal worth up to 10.5 million dollars. The fact that this is a 1 year deal is great for JPP and the Giants. Pierre-Paul will have his hand surgically repaired and will have a year audition to prove to the league that he can still get after the quarterback. Even despite his horrific fireworks accident resulting in JPP playing with a gigantic club on his hand he was still a top pass rusher on the free agent market. Pierre-Paul actually turned down more money elsewhere. I know the Cardinals were interested in him and he turned down playing for a great defense to stay with the team that drafted him and stuck with him through a ridiculously foolish off-field accident. Due to the money they shelled out today on free agency, this very likely could be the last season we see Jason Pierre-Paul wearing Giants blue.

Janoris Jenkins

With the first team transaction of free agency the Giants went right to cornerback Janoris Jenkins. The Giants broke their piggy bank right away signing Jenkins to a 5 year 62.5 million dollar deal. $29 million is guaranteed. Jenkins has the second highest guaranteed salary to Darrelle Revis. Jenkins is a young cornerback. He is 27 years old. The Rams were kicking around giving Jenkins the franchise tag but they did not. Thank you St. Louis. I mean, Los Angeles. I've had random people ripping me from St. Louis on twitter saying he gives up big plays. I can't say I've watched Janoris Jenkins too closely unless he was one of the punk fucks trying to hit Odell Beckham Jr. in or off play when they squared off. Jenkins strengthens a weak secondary. Between Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie and Janoris Jenkins, the Giants have two very worthy cornerbacks not to fuck with.

Damon Harrison

"Snacks" is jumping ship from the Jets to the New York Giants. The defensive tackle will be joining a revamped Giants defensive line. The Giants and Harrison agreed to a 5 year 46.25 million dollar deal with $24 million guaranteed. Harrison is an excellent run-stopper. Harrison and Jonathan Hankins are going to make an outstanding duo clogging up the middle against the run. The Giants gave up the 9th most rushing yards last year. Snacks got a lot of money but the Giants have a lot of money and Big Blue wants to have front line domination like they had during their 2 most recent Super Bowl runs.

Olivier Vernon

Here's the big momma pussy cat. The young pass rusher commenced a lot of appeal. The Giants wanted and needed this cat real bad and proved so by giving him the most guaranteed money ever by a defensive end. The Jaguars were highly invested in signing Vernon too but the good guys got the guy they wanted. Olivier Vernon signed with the Giants for 5 years $85 million with a whopping $52 million guaranteed. This guy is got to match up to this contract. Did the Giants over pay? Most likely. Unless this guy puts together a monstrous Strahan-esk season. The G-Men completely revamped their defensive line into one of the top lines into the league. Shit got real folks. The Giants will finally be a feared pass rushing team. The Spags formula of only rushing the front 4 or sometimes 5 on the line and keeping everyone back into coverage should be back this season. The Giants clearly made it a big point to get back to having a dominant defensive front-line and Vernon is going to be the biggest part of it and must deliver.

Still holes to fill....
The Giants cashed in big time today. The defense was in dire need and they turned to free agency for their pass rush and some help in the secondary. However, all isn't solved. The Giants still have a horrific linebacker core, weakness at safety, a receiving option, and most importantly they need to do something about the right side of their offensive line. Now that a shit load of the Giants money has been spent. All they can do is free agency is try to find bargains. From the looks of reports out there, it appears that Victor Cruz will be restructuring his contract and staying with the team. Very good if this is true. Either way the Giants still can't do too much in free agency outside looking for very cheap and short year bargains.

The big source for upgrading this team now comes with the 10th pick in the NFL draft. This is such an important pick. This pick is going to shape up the offseason. Whoever the Giants select is going to have a major role with the team THIS season. Jerry Reese shelled out a lot of money to potential big players but not completely established big players. These guys need to produce. The Giants play in a very weak division and had the best offseason already. For a team that was somehow a competitive 6-10 (we all know the way they lost games last year), todays monster signings and this years NFL draft could be what it takes to give the Giants their first NFC East Division title since 2011. New coach, new defense, new Giants.

Hey Eli, how do you feel about your teams moves today?

Monday, March 7, 2016

Complete Analysis of the New York Giants Pivotal Offseason

NFL Free Agency begins this Wednesday. No move was bigger this offseason than the departure of 2 time Super Bowl champion coach Tom Coughlin. Giants GM Jerry Reese was on the hot season but kept his job. This is an offseason he absolutely cannot fuck up. The New York Giants have the third most cap space of any NFL team and the 10th overall draft pick. After having one of the worst defenses and rush attack in the league last season, the 4 time Super Bowl champions face the most pivotal off season they've had in a long time.

Here's moves the Giants have made already:
  • Tom Coughlin "resigns" as head coach

  • Ben McAdoo named Giants Head Coach

  • Jon Beason retired

  • Geoff Shwartz and Will Beatty released

  • Quarterbacks Coach Mike Sullivan promoted to Offensive Coordinator

Current Roster Decisions to be Made:

Jason Pierre-Paul

One of the toughest and most important decisions the Giants have to decide on is Jason Pierre-Paul. JPP and his agent are going to look for a contract that pays him within the top 10 alongside the leagues defensive ends. Is he worth that. After retartedly blowing up his hand in a fireworks accident, JPP had to play with a gigantic club on his hand that gave him no grip. The Giants did not use their franchise tag on once probowl defensive lineman. Had they given Pierre-Paul the franchise tag it would of cost the team around $15 million. If any team is willing to take a shot on Jason Pierre-Paul and pay him what he's looking for, the Giants will more than likely let him go. I'd hate to see him play for another team and do sick. It would absolutely kill me, but I'd hate for him to stay and suck. Decisions decisions....

Victor Cruz

Another really tough and important decision. The Giant told Victor Cruz to take a pay cut or be released. Cruz suffered a major knee injury in 2014 against the Eagles and hasn't played since October 12th of 2014. Today the Giants told him they want to restructure his 5 year $45 million contract extension that he signed in 2013 or the will release him. The Giants must really be looking to make a splash in free agency. We don't know if Cruz is going to be the same player he once was. The Giants feel is Cruz was a free agent that his value would not be crucial at all. Cruz will probably make more money staying with the Giants than exploring free agency. It all depends what the market for Cruz will be. The Wide Receivers in free agency is not very flashy.

I think Cruz still brings upside. He's proven the league wrong before by making it in the NFL and performing at a high level, now he has to prove the NFL wrong again showing that he can bounce back from a crucial injury that has kept him out of the league for over 20 straight games. If I ever saw the salsa dance done by Cruz in any uniform but the Giants, it will bring tears to my eyes. I absolutely love Victor Cruz. It's been a Giants fan dream to see Cruz as our #2 Wideout to Odell Beckham Jr. The best case scenario is that Cruz will still make more with the Giants than he will in free agency and he will take a pay cut giving the team more cap space and he can stay with the organization that gave him his golden opportunity in this league.

Prince Amukamara

Is Prince worth it? Is he worth signing to a long term deal like he wants? Prince is one of the most injury prone players the Giants had since drafting him in the first round in 2011. After Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie, the Giants are extremely weak at cornerback. I think he's a good player and I don't mind him as the 2nd cornerback but he's unreliable to stay healthy. The Giants may have to part ways with Amukamara unless the contract is right.

Robert Ayers

Ayers had a good season with the Giants. The Giants can't completely blow up their defense by letting all their players go. Ayers isn't going to be massively expensive but the question still arises of what the Giants do with JPP and who they are looking for in free agency.

Ruben Randle

If you have to question a players effort it's never a good thing. His production is very inconsistent. I like Randle as a 3rd wideout but he cannot be the teams 2nd. If the Giants let Cruz and Randle go, and Hakeem Nicks for that matter... Dwayne Harris will be the teams #2 wide receiver and that is a no-go-bro. Randle is not going to be an expensive player for any team. If Cruz takes the pay cut and stays and the Giants shop around for another receiver, Randle's time here is over. The decisions at wide receiver for Jerry Reese are not going to be easy.

Notable players the New York Giants could go for in Free Agency:

Linebacker: Bruce Irvin, Tahir Whitehead, Danny Trevathan, James Laurinatitis, Jerrell Freeman, Mason Foster, Stephen Tulloch, Rolando McClain

Defensive End: Mario Williams, Oliver Vernon, Jason Pierre Paul, Greg Hardy, Aldon Smith, Chris Long, Mark Barron, Tamba Hali, Danny Trevathon, Chad Greenway, Zach Brown, Sean Witherspoon

Defensive Tackle: Malik Jackson, Haloti Ngata, Damon Harrison, Charles Johnson, Nick Fairley, Robert Ayers

Running Back: Doug Martin, Matt Forte, Doug Martin, Arian Foster

Wide Reciever: (WEAK) Marvin Jones, Anquan Boldin, Rishard Matthews, Brandon LaFell, Percy Harvin, Roddy White, Marques Colston, Mohamed Sanu, Andre Johnson, Rueben Randle

Cornerback: Janoris Jenkins, Sean Smith, Prince Amukamara, Casey Hayward, Adam Jones, Brandon Boykin, Patrick Robinson

Saftey: Eric Weddle, Tashuan Gipson, George IIoka, , Walter Thurmond III, Reggie Nelson

Offensive Lineman: Kelechi Osemele, Russel Okung, Alex Mack Mitchell Shwartz, Bobbie Massie, Jeff Allen

Tight End: Antonio Gates, Ledaius Green, Dwayne Allen, Coby Fleener, Marcedes Lewis, Jermaine Gresham

My Top 5 Players I want the Giants to target:

1. Oliver Vernon - The Dolphins placed a transition tag on Vernon which means the Dolphins will have 7 days to match any offer any other team sends to Vernon. The Giants have the cap room to give this 25 year old pass rusher an offer the Dolphins would more than likely not match considering the contract Suh has.

2. Bruce Irvin - The Giants best linebacker since Antonio Pierce was Jon Beason and he could never stay on the field. Irvin comes from a great defense and can really help out the Giants in their 4-3 defense. Linebacker is a position the Giants will more than likely get in free agency than the draft.

3. Malik Jackson - The draft is pretty deep with defensive end pass rushers. Malik Jackson is a versatile interior lineman. He had an awesome post season for the Super Bowl champion Denver Broncos. Jackson is going to get a big payday from somebody and it's not going to be the Broncos. The Giants can give him that money. The Giants could sign Jackson, draft a defensive end, and sign Robert Ayers and establish a defensive front line pass rush again.

4. Kelechi Oemele - This would set the Giants up at offensive line perfectly. Oemele is the best run blocker on the market and would immediately give the Giants offensive line a name. The Giants had one of the worst rush attacks in the NFL last season and gave a lot of money to Rashad Jennings and Shane Vereen. Oemele will not come cheap and I don't know if the Giants top priority is to pay an offensive lineman via free agency. Oemele will be an instant upgrade for whatever team snags him.

5. Mario Williams - Some people are down on Williams after just having the worst season of his career. I'm not so quick to downgrade a #1 overall draft pick. Williams was unhappy in Buffalo and now he's leaving and starting a new slate. The Giants are visiting with Williams so they are certainly interested in the multi time probowler. He'd be moving from a 3-4 to a 4-3 which he'll be much more comfortable with. He'd be cheaper than Oliver Vernon and brings an upside to the Giants defensive line that they really need.

The NFL Draft

After a second consecutive 6-10 season. The New York Giants will have the 10th overall pick in the NFL draft. As much as I preach how much help the Giants need defensively and on the offensive line. The G-Men should really just take the best and most immediate impact player that falls to them at #10. This is a draft pick Jerry Reese cannot mess up. Outside of Odell Beckham Jr. the Giants haven't had strong drafts like they use to. The Giants are usually not making splashes in free agency because their usually resigning their drafted players. All this cap space that Big Blue has this offseason shows that their drafts have not been very successful. Whoever the Giants draft at #10 needs to be big part of the team this year. Here are some potential players the Giants could put a blue helmet on:

DE Shaq Lawson (Clemson)
A lot of mock drafts I see have Shaq Lawson falling past the #10 pick. I don't understand why he should fall past the New York Giants. This is exactly who I want the Giants to draft. The Giants need pass rushers. Lawson was the best player to the National Championship runner up Clemson Tigers. This kid and by kid I mean 6'3 270 pound young man should provide an instant pass rush. Lawson alongside JPP or Ayers would give the pass rush the credibility it needs.

WR LaQuon Treadwell (Ole Miss)
This rookie is probably better than any wide receiver in free agency this year. Despite how disastrous the Giants are on defense, they need a playmaker opposite Odell Beckham Jr. Treadwell is the best reciever in the 2016 class. He's 6'2 and can be the redzone target they desperately need. I'm sick of getting 3 points in the redzone. Defenses take away OBJ and the Giants have a revolving door at tight end and no runningback good or strong enough to punch it in behind a piss poor offensive line. If Treadwell falls to the Giants at 10 he may be the guy that can really open up the Giants offense with two great young wideouts to account for.

OT Jake Conklin (Michigan State)
The typical boring offensive line pick. I don't know if the Giants will go back to back years taking an offensive lineman in the first round. The Giants currently have Ereck Flowers at left tackle, Weston Richburg at center, and Justin Pugh at either left or right guard. Jake Conklin standing 6'6 out of the respected division 1 Michigan State University could take his natural right guard position and set the Giants offensive line up for time to come. Eli Manning and the run game would experience the best protection and holes to run through that they've had in years. Instead of a new lineman every week every year, the Giants offensive line can finally achieve consistency. Though back to back 1st round offensive lineman will surprise me, the problem at O-line will go away barring injuries or Conklin being a bust. Most experts aren't wrong about the top offensive lineman.

DE/LB Noah Spence (Eastern Kentucky)
Spence started his college career at Ohio State. After failing two drug tests, he received a ban from playing in the Big Ten. One failed drug test included ecstasy which occurred right before the Big Ten title game in 2013. After the ban Spence landed in Eastern Kentucky and dominated with 11.5 sacks. Noah Spence is going to be a player to keep your eyes on because his talent is tremendous but he brings some off-field baggage. Something the New York Giants are never quite fond of. I think the Giants should take a chance on this guy. He was worthy enough to be play for Ohio State and crushed his competition in Eastern Kentucky. The Giants don't need any more off-field incidents but they do need a pass rusher. This is one of those guys that will bring immediate impact. Jerry Reese will probably make a more conservative pick because his ass is on the hot seat and it's hotter than ever. If Spence stays out of trouble, he's going to wreak havoc on quarterbacks in this league.

RB Ezekiel Elliot (Ohio State)
Do I think Elliot is going to be one of the best runningbacks in the NFL? Yes I do? If he's not a New York Giant. Todd McShay (who I like 10 times more than Mel Kiper Jr.) recently made a new pick for the Giants at #10 and it was none other than Ezekiel Elliot. The Giants need to solve their problem at offensive line before investing in a runningback with the 10th overall pick. Runningbacks come and go and as special as Elliot is, he isn't the next Adrian Peterson. In the long run Ezekiel Elliot is going to be like every other runningback splitting carries. I love this kids talent but the Giants would waste their 10th pick by drafting him. The pick is too important to waste on a runningback when the team has o many more holes.

LB Myles Jack (UCLA)
A linebacker with quickness. More importantly, a linebacker. Only thing is he suffered a knee injury that ended his season. UCLA used Jack on both sides of the ball but that will not be happening in the NFL. Maybe for Chip Kelly but that's about it. Jack's intriguing because of his speed at the linebacker position. He extremely athletic and has a non-stop motor. Myles Jack is a player that will be all over the field. He's not afraid of contact but if his knee injury does not linger into his NFL career, he may be a good fit in a defense that needs all the help they can get.

The Giants can make a big impact this season with the right moves. Literally every move has to be right. I will miss Tom Coughlin, but the offense wont change too much even with a new offensive coordinator. The offense is still going to be McAdoo's offense which Eli Manning has put two awesome seasons together in. The NFC East is a weak division and the Giants have the best quarterback in it. With about $60 million in cap space and the 10th overall pick in the draft, the Giants can get back to having a winning season. All the pressure is on Jerry Reese. #MakeTheGiantsGreatAgain