Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Man who Stalked Erin Andrews Tells All

Erin Andrews is a famous and beautiful sports reporter. Probably the best looking reporter in the history of sports. One day her life came crashing down when pictures and videos of her naked in her hotel room surfaced across the internet. The man behind secretly stalking Erin Andrews admitted to his actions and explained how he did it.

Michael David Barrett is a man who like most males in this world wanted to see Erin Andrews naked. Barrett took things a bit too far for his fantasy to become a reality. This guy went to extreme measures to find out where Erin was staying so he could invade her privacy. He modified the peep hole in her room so that he can film Erin Andrews naked after her shower. Michael Barrett posted these onto the internet and Erin Andrews' life took an unexpected turn.

Michael David Barrett testified by coming clean to what he did and how he did. Here is how Barrett went about crushing poor Erin Andrews' privacy and damaging her reputation:

  • He got Andrews' room number by calling the hotel operator and requested to be connected

  • When his call was put through, her room number appeared on the phone display allowing him to book the room next door

  • He waited for her to leave the room and then he modified the peephole with a hacksaw which allowed him to see inside the room

  • He listened in his room for her to take a shower. When the shower turned off, he got out of his room and started filming her through the peephole with his cell phone

Barrett revealed his rash plan at a civil trial which Andrews is suing not only Barrett but the Nashville Marriot at Vanderbilt University for 75 million dollars. Andrews is suing the hotel saying they didn't properly protect their guest. Andrews told jurors that it ripped her apart when some people say that the videos was a publicity stunt. She broke down and said she's anxious and depressed, and still gets taunted online by people who've seen the videos of her. Even ESPN wasn't totally sure. They required Andrews to have a public interview before she's allowed back to work. What absolutely drives me crazy is the intentions behind this perverts actions....

When Barrett was asked why he filmed Andrews, he said he was in debt at the time. He made a series of bad investments and hoped to profit off the footage. When he was unable to do so, he just put it up on the internet for free. When asked why he posted the video online for free he responded by saying "That is a great question, and I really have thought about it over the years, and I don't have a good answer for it. I don't know."

You don't know? How the fuck do you not know? This guy is just plain sick. Believe me I looked at the videos and I liked what I saw. The only rightful answer I would of accepted from this demented sicko is that he is sacrificing his life for all the men out there. This is just plain wrong. I shouldn't have seen these photos and videos and neither should of anybody else.

I feel horrible for Erin Andrews. She's going on with her normal day not knowing this guy flipped her peephole around. Not knowing she's being filmed by this creepy bastard outside of her hotel door. Think about how scary that is. Michael David Barrett is brutally honest. He admits to how guilty he was. Admitted his whole plan, how it was executed and how he didn't have a god damn reason behind doing it. Barrett even confessed to filming about 10 other women in hotels and posting the videos online. He just does this. He doesn't even profit of it! If this guy had a 12 pack with me and my friends on a Friday night he could of made a profit. How do you just post these pictures online and expect no consequence? Especially from a dime like Erin Andrews. I don't know how Andrews is going to get a whole lot of money from this poor investing scumbag but I hope Erin Andrews gets the justice she deserves.

To see the up to date trial, Youtube has it in it's entirety. To see Erin Andrews naked, just google that shit.

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