Wednesday, March 30, 2016

D'Angelo Russell Violates a Major Bro-Code


There's rookie mistakes and then there's career suicide. A video surfaced of a conversation between 2 players on the Los Angeles Lakers where an admitted affair is now documented on the internet. Lakers rookie guard D'Angelo Russell taped this and violated the most important thing needed in a teammate and that is trust.

Nick Young was talking to Russell in a private conversation about his cheating ways and that he cheated on rapper Iggy Azalea (who he's engaged with) with a 19 year old chick. Word is Russell and Nick Young have been joking around and pranking each other and then Russell recorded Young without him knowing and put the video of his admitted affair on snapchat. This snap eventually got to Deadspin or TMZ or whatever kind of company that thrives off celebrities misfortunes. Bottom line, the video is out and everyone has heard it. Including Iggy Azalea. D'Angelo Russell completely fucked with the "unwritten bro-code" teammates in sports have.

We the fans, or ordinary underprivileged lower-to-middle classman, are not suppose to know about incidents like this. This is casual locker room talk. This is a teammate talking to a teammate and it was suppose to stay between the teammates. I don't know what beef or jealousy D'Angelo has with Nick Young, but he fucked up his image big time. Not just with the Lakers but with the NBA. You can't record your teammate who trusts you behind your their back and spread the video around. Hell, if I did this to some of my friends from drinking on the couch I could ruin their lives and they could ruin mine with the shit we say. That's the point though. We don't violate trust. We don't violate the bro-code. We know we won't blackmail each other for no apparent reason.

You flat out don't do that shit. Apparently the video was released Monday night. This completely explains the Lakers 48 point loss Monday night. Imagine having this information before the game? I would of sold everything and bet on Utah. The team is down right pissed off with Russell. Why shouldn't they be? Russell has now been isolated from teammates from sitting at the same lunch table or even sitting on the same bench with a teammate. Things are going so bad between the Lakers and their rookie guard that Russell needed security escort when leaving the Lakers practice facility.

I love how Kobe Bryant just isn't speaking out on this shit. He's only got 8 games left in his career and isn't going to let Russells snitching get in the way of him shooting 22% the next couple of games. I still think he goes off for 40 in his last game at the Staples Center. He's been waiting for that game all season long. Imagine if a teammate pulled this shit while Kobe was in his prime. Kobe would flat out ruin that guys life on and off the court. Maybe not, Kobe would of done this to Shaq if snapchat was around back then. He kind of already did it to Shaq. Either way that's the Black Mamba and this a mediocre rookie.

I hope Nick Young or "Swaggy P" as he retartedly proclaimed himself. Easily the dumbest nickname in sports. I hope Young shoots a video of him butt fucking D'Angelo's mother and puts it out on the web. Russell more than likely fucked up his marriage I'd imagine, so what is there to lose? Bend his mother over and talk massive amount of dirty shit. Then you and Russell can call it even and go back to playing 44 games under .500 basketball.

You have to question what this means for D'Angelo Russell's future. The Lakers original blueprint for the future was to dump their whole team and build it around the 20 year old rookie. What would this say about the Lakers if they bring Russell back? What does this say about a team that would bring him in? Will players across the league even want to be in the same locker room as this dude? D'Angelo Russell put his team and himself in a terrible position but he deserves every bit of it. This is a tough spot to be in for a 20 year old kid but he put this all on himself. They say "time heals all" but nobody will forget what D'Angelo Russell did to a teammate.

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