Friday, March 4, 2016

Top 5 Friday: Athletes I Want to Drink With

Let's have some fun. Every Friday I'll blog about a top 5 of a random topic. This inaugural Top 5 Friday will be about athletes I want to drink with. This was pretty hard to actually only select 5 people. There's countless number of athletes I'd love to party with. So without further to do here is the launch of the first Top 5 Friday!

#5 Michael Jordan
What are we Drinking? - Champagne

I mean this guys the greatest. I'd love to have a drink with MJ and just let him tell me how great he is and how he has the greatest life any professional athlete could ever have. I'd want to drink champagne with Jordan because he drank a whole lot of it. I want to drink like a winner with a winner. I'd love to get Jordan really drunk and let him start being a cocky fuck calling out his competition and bragging about how rich he is and maybe even make a couple of bets with me. That definitely wouldn't work out for me in the end. This guy does not accept losing. Anyway, anything that comes out of Jordans mouth interests me and there's no doubt that Michael Jordan is one of the most iconic sports figure ever. Most importantly, I neeeeeeed to know how he dunked on the Monstars like that. By the way this picture of Jordan is the super funny. Better than the crying face picture in my opinion.

#4 Mickey Mantle
What are we Drinking? - Whatever the fuck he wants.

Nobody and I mean nobody can peform better hungover than Mickey Mantle. This dude is my hero. Mantle is a 20 time All-Star and he got fucking shit bombed every night. He was so fucking good that he was able to abuse alcohol and still be better than everybody else on game day. "The Mick" was so good that his natural talent outweighed a healthy life style. Nothing can stop this 3 time MVP from being good at baseball. The sport was way too easy for him. I feel rather skilled in the 'Go to work hungover/still drunk department' so I know me and Mantle would be good for a Monday night turn up. I probably couldn't keep up with Mickey, but I'd risk alcohol poisoning for a night out with this man. Obviously his alcoholism caught up to him and he is no longer with us but he certainly had a great life and left an amazing legacy.

#3 Michael Strahan
What are we Drinking? - New York Giants Special Edition Superbowl Bud Light Cans

Michael Strahan is my favorite football player of all time. His leadership inspires me. Strahan has an amazing personality and really comes off as a fun guy. I'd love to just drink some beers and let him let me into the behind the scenes of his career. Strahan is already hysterical. I can only imagine how funny he can be with a buzz on. I'm biased with Strahan because he's my boy but you can't tell me drinking with the great gap toothed NFL Hall of Famer wouldn't be any fun.

#2 Alex Rodriguez
What are we Drinking? - Patron and Seagrams Wine Coolers

Alexander Emmanuel Rodriguez is my favorite athlete in all of sports. A-Rod's been so active on social media and since Derek Jeter retired, he seems rejuvenated and able to be more like himself. Nobody is funnier than A-Rod. Whether it's intentional or unintentional, he is hilarious. Whatever he says or any actions he makes, it's funny. I'd like to bring my premadonna out with THE premadonna himself and sip on some Wine Coolers with one of the greatest baseball players of all time statistically. I'd do just about anything to see A-Rod drunk. Alex seems like the type that once he gets that buzz he becomes an open book. Let's sit alongside a pool in Miami and get White Girl Wasted Alex.

#1 Joe Namath
What are we Drinking? - Scotch till we Drop. Or I drop.

"I'd rather go to Vietnam than get married." If there's a sex life I envy it's Broadway Fucking Joe's. This man had a drink in one hand and a gorgeous woman in the other. You may be surprised that Namath is my number 1 because I hate the Jets but I respect the hell out of this icon off the football field. Joe Namath was the Bachelor of Bachelors. If I can pick up one of Joe's scraps it would be the best 9 seconds of my life. I want to get retartedly fucked up wit Joe Namath. Retartedly fucked up to the point that I'm asking out sideline reporters live on national television. Nobody has a more soothing voice than Joe Willie Namath. I can listen to him talk all day. Let's get fucked up Joe. Please. Teach me how to really throw back alcohol. Show me how that shit is done. No grandpa has more swag than Joe Namath. Let's down some scotch and pick up some chicks. You'd probably sleep with a younger girl than I would. "If you aren't going all the way, why go at all?"

There's many athletes that ran through my mind that I'm going to give some honorable mentions. I won't provide details but I mean what's a party without these guys.

  • Derek Jeter
  • Lawrence Taylor
  • Rob Gronkowski
  • The 86 Mets
  • Charles Barkley
  • Shaquille O'Neal
  • Alexander Ovechkin

Thanks for checking out the first Top 5 Friday. Check in every Friday for a new Top 5 of something. Who are yours? I'd love to hear! Share your top 5 in the comments below. I appreciate all those who check into the Sharks Territory blog. Happy Friday! Success and nothing less.

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