Tuesday, March 22, 2016

LeBron James Un-follows the Cavaliers Official Twitter Account

Sick Specs yo

Here we go. The Decision Part 3. LeBron James gives us yet another reason to hate him. On Monday night, Lebron James posted his 41st career triple-double in a blowout win against the lowly Nuggets. That wasn't the news that hit the Cleveland tabloids that night. The news that the media, the fans, teammates, coach's, and the owner are concerned about is that their star player no longer follows the team he plays for on Twitter. When the 4 time NBA MVP was asked about the un-following he responded by saying "Next question."

Next Question? That's it. Sick answer. I guess you are too high and mighty to answer the question. I do not care the slightest bit that LeBron un-followed the Cavs Twitter. It probably means jack shit, but what's the point of doing it? Why couldn't he come up with any kind of stupid excuse as to why he did it. Better yet, why even do that? Obviously people are going to realize this and make it a big deal. Did you not expect this to be brought up to you LeBron?

I don't think LeBron should have any reason to be angry with the Cavaliers. His team is 30 games over 500 and they reached the NBA Finals in his first season with the team. When LeBron's pissed about something, he get's his way. He got his fucking coach fired from the best team in the Eastern Conference because he didn't like him. That's something he'll never admit but nobody is buying that crap. The Cavaliers will not do anything without consulting their star first. So why behave like a high schooler by un-following the Twitter of the team you play for without an explanation? You are LeBron James. You have to answer these questions no matter how silly and ridiculous you find them. You put this on yourself fuck head.

Maybe this wouldn't be a big deal if the "loyal" Ohio native didn't already turn his back on the city to team up with better players on another team in another city. LeBron James can become a free agent after this season. He left the Cavs to cowardly win championships with the strong help of mega stars like Dwayne Wade, Chris Bosh, and Ray Allen. He came back to Cleveland for acceptance. He needed to be loved again. He got his NBA titles and wanted to be liked again in his home state. They drafted Kyrie Irving during his departure so he had somebody he could play with again and were able to sign another star with James to a max deal. LeBron always looks out for LeBron. When you left the team before and you can leave them again, your going to raise eyebrows when you unfollow your teams Twitter no matter how dumb it may seem.

It wasn't reported directly from LeBron, but according to Joe Vardon of Cleveland.com, James unfollowed a bunch of accounts and most of them are NBA and basketball related so he can bock out distractions as he prepares for the playoffs. Does reading a few fucking characters on a social media page really take your mind off of your job that much? This guy fucking sucks. I will never question his physical preperation but unfollowing people and your own team on Twitter is just flat out not making you any better than Steph Curry you ass. If that's even the case, just say that to the reporters who are asking you a ludicrous but fair question. They're just doing their jobs.

It is reasonable to ask LeBron James why he would unfollow the Cavaliers Twitter page when he can become a free agent due to his past history. All your doing is scaring the fuck out of the Cleveland fans that they might have to burn your jersey AGAIN. It's pretty simple LeBron, if you don't want to be asked clown social media questions, unfollow everyone and get off of Twitter. Your too sensitive to do that though. LeBron James keeps giving me more reasons to not like him. You can definetly come to the Knicks though. I'll just pretend that you didn't do anything to bother me since 2010. As much as I hate your delicate persona, I know you're way too smart to play with Carmelo in New York. It looks like it's just a 6th straight year of "I'm rooting against LeBron" for me this NBA post season.

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