Sunday, March 6, 2016

Last Night Marked the Death of UFC

UFC had one of their biggest pay-per-views last night at the MGM Grand Garden arena. People were paying to see two of their top draws in Connor McGregor and Holly Holm. Surprising many, the two popular favorites both lost. The loss from these superstars last night now puts UFC in a bad spot.

The biggest draw in all of UFC is undoubtebly "The Notorious" Connor McGregor. Running his mouth all over non stop and knocking people out. He is must see. Now he was must see. It's cool when you talk the amount of shit that McGregor talks and back it up by winning. What's not cool is talking all the shit in the world and tapping out in the middle of the octagon. His ego made him move up a weight class. He should of just stayed in his weight class and not be a crazy cocky fuck trying to win a title at every weight class. So he's going to go back to fighting at 145 and talk shit to everybody like he didn't just submit to somebody with a 19-10 record who had 2 weeks notice to fight. Nobody should care about McGregor's next fight. I'm no longer getting suckered into Dana White's #1 cash crop. Who gives a shit if McGregor runs his mouth anymore? He's not the greatest like he claimed. This loss tarnished everything from Connor McGregor. He brought that on himself. I will no longer pay to see him fight anymore. Oh yea and anybody who puts Connor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather in the same sentence can put a two foot cock down their throat.

Last nights Miesha Tate upset over Holly Holm took away a future blockbuster pay-per-view for UFC. Holm is the bitch that gave Ronda Rousey a reality check. Instead of Rousey jumping right back and demanding a rematch, she took time off painting her naked body and doing movies and crying expecting us to feel sorry for herself. Holm put her title on the line and took on the next bitch up. If Holm won then UFC would of got Rousey vs Holm as their main event for their next pay-per-view which would of banked. That's just not happening anymore. Holm's loss to Tate fucked that shit up big time. They can still run the rematch but nobody will give a shit about it. So now Holm isn't this great fighter, she's literally just the bitch who beat Rousey. Good enough in my book I guess but I'm not opening my wallet for anymore of her fights.

These losses were absolutely shocking. The fact that any fighter can win in UFC is suppose to be pretty cool but now I'm not invested in any particular fighters anymore. The McGregor ride is over. The Rousey bandwagon is over and now so is her comeback train. All done with. Now UFC's biggest stars are a stripped champion who cant pass a drug test and a former WWE entertainer. It sucked buying a long dragging pay-per-view to see two fights which I ended up losing money on. We have just experienced UFC at it's greatest height. It will never be the same again. The biggest losers last night was UFC.

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