Wednesday, February 3, 2016

About Me

Vincent J Clinco

Greetings friends! My name is Vincent J Clinco. I've come to notice that I have an unbelievable amount of spare time and I finally want to occupy that time with productivity. So I decided to make a blog. This should occupy maybe at least an hour of my day. That's a start in the right direction. Maybe I'll hit up a gym next. Maybe not. Most likely not. Anyway, I figured I'd share a little bit about me in my first blog before I start blogging about random shit. By random shit I mean 90% about sports. Either way I'm not expecting this thing to launch me a career at the NY Times. This is for entertainment purposes which I hope any followers would find entertaining because it would make my writing more enjoyable. Also, check out my buddy Mike Millan's blog "The Short Porch". He does a fantastic job and has a great take on the New York Yankees. His blog helped motivate me to making this. So here's some quick hits about me:

  • I'm 6'5 200 lbs.

  • Grew up in Hicksville until 2003, moved to Bethpage, and currently reside in Wantagh.

  • I excel at sitting on a couch drinking alcoholic beverages.

  • I am a DEGENERATE gambler.

  • Self proclaimed myself the nickname "The Shark"

  • Advocate New York Yankees, Giants, Knicks, and Tar Heel Basketball fan.

  • I like the NY Rangers when I choose to which doesn't normally come until the playoffs or if they have a favorable spread.

  • I pretend that I attended the University of North Carolina because I love their basketball program and its much better than saying I couldn't complete Nassau Community College.

  • Alex Rodriguez is my favorite athlete of all time. I have the G.O.A.T's. back no matter what.

  • I reheat fast food in the microwave.

  • Any rap after 2010 is dog shit. If it isn't Eminem or 2000s Hip Hop than it sucks.

  • I DESPISE Harry Potter.

  • Experience a great deal of satisfaction when taking a shit on the clock.

  • I question your manhood if your a male who doesn't like sports. There's a 100% chance we will not get along.

  • Scarface is my favorite movie. Blue is my favorite color.

  • I have no less than 10 Redbull Vodka concoctions a week.

  • "You cant lose what you don't put in the middle. But you cant win much either."

  • If you're ever looking to hunt me down and kill me, Thursday nights at MB Fitzpatricks should be your first destination.


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