Friday, February 26, 2016

It's Officially Time for Carmelo Anthony to Go

I have had enough of New York Knicks forward Carmelo Anthony. There is no player more overpaid than Carmelo and he has proven he cannot carry a team to even a 500 record. The time has come to trade the Knicks "star player".

Wednesday night Carmelo Anthony airballed a potential game-tying 3 point basket with time expiring. A clean look that he blindly just chucked with 1.9 seconds on the clock. Carmelo didn't even KNICK the rim. (God I love corny puns) This didn't seem to bother New York's All Star. In fact, he found it rather comical. After this horrific excuse for a shot from a so called "superstar", Carmelo Anthony just laughed it off. Isn't it just great to see your star player find such amusement out of such an important and embarassing shot?

Fuck this guy. I had this fat pig's back for so long and I just don't have any logical reason to support him anymore. The guy has proven he can't carry a team what so ever. Carmelo can't even make the playoffs in the Eastern Conference which is never strong. Nonetheless, this chubby fuck can't even bring this team to a 500 record. Losing season after losing season after fucking losing season. It's an absolute disgrace that Melo has a max contract. Obviously the only reason he stayed in New York is because the Knicks had the most money to offer him. Carmelo Anthony is a selfish overrated piece of shit.

The Knicks are doing the Toronto Raptors a huge favor by winning 2 of their last 15 games. The 2nd seeded Raptors own the Knicks first round draft pick and that pick looks more like gold as the season goes on. Oh and those two games that they won were against the fucking Suns and Timberwolves. Bravo Knickerbockers!!! This team is an absolute joke and the first place to point your finger is at their player with the max deal that deserves quarters at an arcade room.

As a Knick fan I'm just blinded by cruel facts like accepting Carmelo Anthony as my best player. Melo shoots about 20 times a game and all his shots are poor shot selections. He willingly shoots contested jump shots. This year he finally learned how to pass the rock and we still can't win. He shoots a poor field goal percentage but manages to get his 20 points a night and he's just proclaimed this superstar. Oh cool he heats up in a quarter from time to time. Whoopty fucking doo! So does Jimmer Ferdette and that goody two shoes only has a 10 day contract. This guy has to go! It's time for the Knicks to rip somebody off like the Raptors ripped us off for fucking Andrea Bargnani. Or any NBA team that ever made a deal with the Knicks for that matter. There's NBA teams out there that needs asses in the seats and will be brainwashed like I was thinking Carmelo Anthony is a player who can take a team to the next level.

Just rebuild this god damn team. Last I checked LeBron James is still in the Eastern Conference so nobody is going to win the East for atleast another 5 years unless some Western Conference All Stars move East. Get me back a first round pick that we love giving away. The Knicks will never win with Carmelo Anthony. This team is literally hopeless unless they sign Kevin Durant or Russell Westbrook. With all likleyhood of that not happening, the Knicks need to rebuild just like the Celtics did and are doing.

I really don't know why I backed Carmelo Anthony up. Not only is he not good. He's overpaid and he doesn't give a flying fuck. His game sucks. The Knicks would be able to get a great deal for Anthony. It doesn't matter how bad the team is because Madison Square Garden will always be packed out (just look at last year). The Knicks arn't going anywhere with Melo so they might as well try to get better in the long run. The only thing I will miss about Carmelo Anthony in a Knicks uniform is the PA announcer calling his name. Seriously that dude is great. As for you Melo, be gone. Go laugh at your airballs and shoot 30% somewhere else and con another team into paying you that money you managed to get.

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