Friday, February 5, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio is Finally Getting an Oscar


No more Memes! Leonardo DiCaprio's acting is finally being rewarded with an Oscar for his performance in The Revenant. Why am I so sure you ask? Well i've come to notice that Las Vegas Odds are pretty fucking spot on. Leo is a heavy favorite to come home with the award for Best Actor.

Its finally happening. For all my non junkie degenerates out there, Leonardo DiCaprio is a -5,000 favorite to win Best Actor. That means you have to risk $5,000 to win $100 if you wanted to wager on Leo winning the award. His betting line is set like that because Vegas knows everything. Nobody can win a sport game or an award without Vegas knowing the outcome. The line is set like that for either two reasons:

A - Nobody will risk that much money to win such a minimal prize.

B - We are being lured into betting that obsurd line because it is an obvious outcome and we believe it's free money.

The correct answer is A folks. Now i'm not saying to hit up your local bookie and pretend to drop the mother load on Leo winning a trophy. This is just a spoiler for the star finally getting a hard earned award. It took Leo to get mauled by a god damn bear and sleep inside a dead horse to finally achieve the award he's been so worthy of.

Now that that's settled. What's really up for debate is how much does he deserve best actor for The Revenant over his other Oscar worthy films. Let's take a look back at his Oscar nominations and who won over him.

1994 Best Supporting Actor (What's Eating Gilbert Grape)

Winner: Tommy Lee Jones (The Fugitive)

This is a no brainer for me. The Fugitive is an incredible movie and I've never seen What's Eating Gilbert Grape. Never even heard of it. Sounds pretty fucking stupid. That being said, Tommy Lee was awesome as he always is and Leo wasn't ready or given the chance in 1994 to compete with an actor like that. The fact he was recognized at 19/20 years old does say plenty about the future star.

2005 Best Actor (The Aviator)

Winner: Jamie Foxx (Ray)

I'm not a big fan of either flict here. Both movies get a whole lot of praise. DiCaprio really got a whole lot of love with this movie but it just never did it for me. I couldn't be less interested in Ray Charles and his boring ass rhythm and blues music. Just because he's blind doesn't make his colorless music good. Bottom line, Ray Charles is a legend and Black Lives Matter.....

2006 Best Actor (Blood Diamond)

Winner: Forest Whitaker (The Last King of Scotland)

Can't really report too much here. I haven't seen either movie. I just watched the trailer for Blood Diamond and I don't have any interest in seeing it. Leo has this weird Australian accent and I'm just not about it. Forest Whitaker is the man. Fantastic actor. I just couldn't give a shit less about Scotland. Couldn't give a shit less that I'm not even going to bother checking out the trailer for the film that got Whitaker an Oscar. Stubborn? Yes. It's just pleseant to know that a great actor like Forest Whitaker had an Oscar. Congrats.

2014 Best Actor (The Wolf of Wall Street)

Winner: Matthew McConaughey

Here is where I'm really going to go to bat for Leo. FUCK YOU McCONAUGHEY! Dallas Buyers Club fucking sucked! I'm not going to lie, I only watched the movie because I needed to see how "great" McConaughey was that he won Best Actor over Leo's role of Jordan Belfort. Oh cool, McConaughey got fucking anorexic for the film... Whooptie fucking doo! Leo got robbed of an Oscar because he played an asshole. (An asshole I'd very much like to be) The Wolf of Wall Street was criticized because it "celebrated" drugs. Leo didn't get the Best Actor because they didn't want his first Oscar to be awarded to the character of Jordan Belfort.

It's going to be a special moment to see Leonardo DiCaprio finally win the Accademy Award for Best Actor. I'm looking forward to his speech. He's probably going to be super-cool about it and crack a joke about it because he knows about all the posts of stupid ass jokes over a picture of him on the internet. I would be mind blown if he doesnt win Best Actor this year. I would have liked to see him win this award for another one of his awesome films but he certainly deserves it for his role as Hugh Glass. It's crazy to think he never won an Oscar for his roles as Billy Costigan, Jack Dawson, Frank Abagnale Jr., or Calvin Candie. Nonetheless, the time has finally come for Leonardo DiCaprio.

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