Tuesday, February 9, 2016

"Slim Chance" Knicks Make a Trade this Season

In an interview conducted by Al Trautwig in the first quarter of the Knicks vs Wizards game Tuesday, President Phil Jackson said it's a very "slim chance" the Knicks will be making a move this trade deadline. Is the Zen Master telling the truth? Does he have something up his sleeve? I really don't know why Jackson would say that and not mean it, so we should all be prepared to keep watching Jose Calderon get blown past every point guard in the league.

This news should have the Toronto Raptors doing cartwheels. The Raptors obtained the Knicks first round pick for this years draft as a result of the Andrea Bargnani trade. I think we all know who got the better end of that stupid fucking trade. Toronto is the second best team in the Eastern Conference and have a great luxury owning the Knicks first round pick. The Knicks are 4.5 games out of the playoffs with 3 teams ahead of them. If there wasn't an NBA lottery, the Knicks would hold the 9th pick in the NBA draft at the moment. Either way the Knicks pick will have Toronto picking in that ballpark.
If this "slim chance" is true, the Knicks season is doomed. If their season hasn't already been doomed from the first tip of the season like usual.... This team had hard fights with top dogs until this recent 10 game stretch. This team is in absolute dire need of a point guard. Names like Jeff Teague and Mike Conley have surfaced the rumor mill. Any trade pieces the Knicks have would most likely consist of Aaron Afflalo, Jose Calderon, and either Derrick Williams or Lance Thomas. How can I forget a first round draft pick to throw in the mix. We all know how much the Knicks like to trade that.
Whether or not the Knicks make a move or not, they cannot afford to mess up their team next year by trying to improve it this season. This isn't NBA 2K. Since the Knicks aren't going to improve their team in the NBA draft, they have to try to make a splash in free agency. As desperately as this team needs a point guard, the bottom line is that Phil Jackson probably knows the Knicks place in the Eastern Conference right now and can't hurt next years Knicks by helping this years team. The most frustrating word to hear as a Knicks fan is patience. I'm talking really patient. Until LeBron James either comes to New York, goes to the Western Conference, or retires, the Knicks are never going to the NBA Finals anyway. Until then, our loyalty as fans will just keep making James Dolan richer as we keep watching a shitty product. Fuck. My. Life.

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