Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Donald Trump won the New Hampshire Primary and the Daily News is Pissed

Donald Trump kicked ass in the New Hampshire primary. Trump had roughly 34% of the vote. People rip on Trump because he has no political experience but this guy is completely all in. He sees that Obamacare has actually caused more problems than it's solved. He sees a tanked economy and doesn't think we should pay for things that is given so freely outside of the borders. "We are going to beat all these countries that are taking so much of our money away from us." Trump is not running for enjoyment. He truely believes this country is in trouble and he can do something about if he is Commander and Chief.

After the results of the New Hampshire primary have been revealed, if you didnt believe in Donald Trump before, you better believe now that this guy is for real and means fucking business. Sure, he's cocky and brash but this man is one of the best businessman i've ever seen. Trump said in his victory speech, "I am going to be the greatest jobs president that God ever created" and finished by saying "We're going to win in South Carolina." Winning the New Hampshire primary is a huge step in Trumps campagin. This proved their are many supporters for The Donald.

The Daily News did not take very lightly to the primary results. The newspaper not only ripped the winning Republican, but completely shit on everybody who voted for him. The Daily News is dominantly liberal but it is every Americans right to vote and obviously people have different opinions. Report the damn news and not your fucking opinion. I was pretty surprised seeing their mockery cover page of Trump as a mean clown. You are the clowns Daily News. Now I know if I wanted to read facts to not read your tabloid media newspaper.

To Read this jerkoffs article click here

This article attacked Donny T and his supporters hard by calling New Hampshire voters "clueless" and Trump a "billionaire bore" and a "mad mogul with a new round of ammo." In the article, Adam Edelman refers to Trumps voters as "brainless." Fuck off Adam. Yea, the headline got my attention and it made me read your stupid article, but I can safely say that will be the last time I read anything out of the Daily News. Go ahead and keep calling Trump a clown and insulting all who support him. I hope his votes keep increasing while your already-low newspaper sales decrease more.

I can't lie. The picture and title of Wednesday's Daily News made me laugh and got my attention. Donald Trump looks hilarious in clown makeup. He is no clown, he is a serious candidate and his success has gotten to the head of this Edelman loser. After finally taking the time to check one of these hateful articles out, i've realized that all I did was waste my time. The Daily News is nothing but an opinionated and derogaory source of todays news. I hope I continuously see a hateful cover of Trump on their papers because that means The Donald is doing well. The next time I need to whipe my ass after a long night of redbull vodkas and Taco Bell, I will use the Daily News. Fuck you Daily News. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain

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