Friday, February 19, 2016

Batman vs Superman Looks Stupid

There is a lot of hype going around on the internet after the third and final trailer for Batman vs Superman Dawn of Justice dropped earlier this week. The anticipation to see The Dark Knight take on The Man of Steel is getting higher and higher. Quite frankly, this movie looks pretty stupid to me.

So pretty much Superman rudely steps onto Batman's home turf of Gotham and Batman is pretty pissed about it. Not only does Superman start trying to steal the Caped Crusaders thunder, Clark Kent rips Batman in his newspaper, The Daily Planet. Batman doesn't like the whole idea of this godly hero showing up shitting in his coffee. Neither Super Hero knows if their counterparts are actually good or bad. As a result, Batman and Superman go at it with one another until they must work together to stop this ugly, cemented, moving human sidewalk looking thing called Dooms Day. Wonder Woman gets thrown in the mix and this movie just looks incredibly messy and chaotic with an abundance of unnecessary and overwhelming detail.

Batman vs Superman is one of the most anticipated movies of 2016. A popular amount of people were outraged by Ben Affleck being casted as Batman/Bruce Wayne. I'm all on board for Affleck and it seems that people have moved passed the heat and accepted him as their Dark Knight. The movie is going to bank. That's what Super Hero movies do. It just doesn't look like it's going to be any good. Putting these hero's on a movie screen will put asses in the seats. Mine too. As much of a disaster I think this film is going to be, I still need to see it. I'm hoping I'm wrong. 3 Trailers in and I still haven't been swayed into a positive direction. Let me elaborate on the things I hate from what I've gotten from the trailers:

No Batman Villains

The absolute number 1 reason I love Batman is because of the villains. Every villain is great. We will not be seeing any Batman villain in this movie. Wouldn't it be cool to see Lex Luthor work together with any Batman villain. Yes it would. Sadly we won't be getting to see a Batman villain and we will get to see a lame Lex Luthor.

Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor

No. Just no. Why is Mark Zuckerberg casted as Superman's arch-nemesis? I thought Lex Luthor was suppose to be bald. Why does he have a mop on his head? People were bitching about Ben Affleck as Batman but nobody muttered a peep about this twerp playing Lex Luthor? Bryan Cranston would of been great. Instead of Heisenberg we got Eisenberg. I think Eisenberg is a good actor but I just feel he's too young and a bit of a light-weight for this role.

The Characters Ages

In this movie everybody is suppose be older. Our intelligence is incredibly insulted by that point. Ben Affleck fits the bill as an older Bruce Wayne but some of the other cast... not so much. Bruce Wayne is showing some grey but I wouldn't sell a pack of smokes to Lex Luthor. How does Luthor go from being played by Kevin Spacey to Jesse Eisenberg? That's about a 25 year age difference. Alfred Pennyworth has gotten younger as Bruce has gotten older. Shouldn't Alfred be like 90? Or dead? He's been the butler for the Wayne family for ages. Jeremy Irons can probably do more sit-ups than me.

Wonder Woman

Why? In a movie titled "Batman vs. Superman" we have Wonder Woman. I don't understand her purpose in this movie at all. How come we can't keep the two faces of super hero's going at it. Now we got this lame bitch flaunting her sexy body and boring gig around in this film. This is like Vince McMahon making Wonder Woman the special guest referee the last Raw before WrestleMania. They should have named this movie Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman vs. Dooms Day.

Director Zack Snyder

I'm not calling Zack Snyder out because I obviously haven't seen the movie. I'm just worried how somebody who directed a Superman movie (Man of Steel 2013) and not a Batman movie will treat my beloved Bat. From the trailers, Superman already looks like the stronger guy. There's at least 3 incidents off the top of my head that show Batman down and out. Superman seems to stand taller in the trailers. Don't fuck with Batman Zack.

Superman is Fucking Gay

No I don't mean that Superman likes men. I'm using the term "gay" in the 14 year old term of saying "not cool." Of all the Super Hero's out there, (and there's a fucking lot. Way too many) Superman is my least favorite. I can't phantom how anybody likes The Man of Steel. Superman is indestructible. Name a power and he's got it. He's so perfect that it makes him uninteresting. How do you expect me to believe that Batman stands a chance against Superman? I don't think a Bat-Blade is going to cut it. Oh there's always that Kryptonite that is so rare that it always turns up. Kryptonite is this weird glassy type shit from Superman's home planet of Krypton that blew up. For some reason Kryptonite is Superman's only weakness and it like gives Superman a fever and makes him lose his powers. Even this guys Achilles-Heel bores the fuck out of me. What really grinds my gears is how somehow Superman is unidentifiable. He doesn't wear a god damn mask! How does nobody know that Clark Kent is fucking Superman?! Clark Kent's glasses just totally hides his Superman gimmick. We as the audience just have to believe that crap. Nobody see's the blatant similarity he has to this Super Hero? Like when Clark Kent cleans his glasses off and doesn't have them on nobody in his office says "hey you look like Superman."? Guess not. Why does Superman want to live a normal life? Dude, you can fucking fly. Why are you working for a newspaper company? Ok I need to stop before I get really carried away. I should of just made a blog about how much I hate Superman.

There you have it. I totally think this movie is going to be a complete mess. People are going to be going in with very high expectations. Mine will be very low. Hopefully I am proven wrong and this movie is as great as it potentially can be. We will just have to find out March 25th. Here's a look at the last trailer.


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