Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Shane McMahon Saved WrestleMania

Here comes the moneyyyyyyyyy! Last night on Monday Night Raw marked the return of Shane McMahon. It's been over 6 years since the boss' son has been seen on WWE television. Nobody saw his return coming and the Detroit crowd gave him a thunderous ovation.

Wrestling has been bad. Really fucking bad. They've been pushing this tool bag Roman Reigns to win the WWE title and nobody wants to see him win it. He's so unoriginal and is an absolute disaster on the microphone. So many top stars are either retired or injured. WrestleMania was looking like a complete nightmare. Then entered Shane O Mac.

In a gig where Vince McMahon was presenting his daughter Stephanie with some stupid award named after his father, the family love affair was spoiled by Vince's son Shane. The entrance was great. Shane got grey but hes still got his signature dance down pat. Running around in a suit and Jordans blowing the roof off the building. In todays world everybody knows about everything because of social media, so any surprise is usally ruined. WWE did a great job keeping the Shane return on the down low. Even my wrestling freak loser friend didn't know about this and he's always on top of the wrestling rumormills. His return was simply awesome. Shane didn't even speak for a good 5 minutes because the crowd wouldn't stop going insane.

Shane pretty much told his dad and sister that the product has gone to shit and he wants to take over Raw. After the Million Dollar Princess was asked to leave the ring and exited to a "Na Na Na Na Good Bye" chants, Vince proposed a deal to Shane O Mac. The Chairman of the Board said if Shane wrestles one match and wins then he can run Monday Night Raw. Shane accepted and then Vince said he gets to pick Shane's opponent. Vince selected none other than The Undertaker. Shit got even more real when Vince said in his hilarious, twisted, squealing, exagggerated, overacting voice that the match will take place at WrestleMania and in a Hell in the Cell. Shane accepted the deal and now WrestleMania actually got interesting.

Vince McMahon wanted this to be the biggest WrestleMania ever at AT&T Stadium in Dallas Texas. God knows how much he payed The Rock just to make a non-wrestling appearence and talk on the microphone. Whatever he paid, it's well worth it. Thank you Vince. And thank you Vince for recognizing what a terrible product you have. Vince had to pull his son back into the business and compete in order to get some hype around his biggest pay-per-view of the year. Shane McMahon has pulled off some of the biggest spots in wrestling. From falling off titantrons, getting tossed through glass, and jumping coast to coast in the ring, Shane McMahon delivered many "Holy Shit" moments. Even at his and the Undertakers age, something awesome is going to happen in this match. Hopefully any rumors of Shane not fighting and ending up selecting an opponent to take on Taker instead of himself doesn't happen. That dreadful name of John Cena has been rapidly flowing around across the damn internet. This match was booked perfectly. WWE finally got something right. The fans got something unexpected and are now anticipated for it. Do not fuck it up.

I've been so accustomed to horrible story lines. I usually watch the 2 big shows of WrestleMania and the Royal Rumble (which i gamble on). After the show I usually question why I watched it. Wrestling just isn't the same as it use to be. I use to be the biggest fan in my pre-highschool days. There's no more cursing, no more bleeding, and no more Bra and Panties matches. Everything has to be politically correct. Wrestling no longer has the stars I loved or are allowed to give these new guys a fun character to be due to this PG bullshit. Last night was done just right. The WWE needed the buzz of Shane's return and so did WrestleMania.

Shane McMahon takes a huge fall at Summerslam

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